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  • I posted a couple of new pics of my "Acre" diorama this evening. Its coming along slowly - still got a long way to go, but then that's what makes a hobby enjoyable.
    I posted a message w the civil war graoup,not sure if it went thru w error message.
    Hey its going ok...very hectic...I sometimes think what the hell have I got myself are things on your side?

    Thanks for the friend request. Actually, I was just looking at your diorama photos yesterday. I really liked what you did with them (good action and lots of figures). I also have the Conte Confederate battery and Iron Brigade at Antietam sets, and they are among my favorites. I put 6th Wisconsin flag bearers from Frontline in with my Iron Brigade set. I still need to add some corn in the background one of these days. I am kind of new to the forum. I have been collecting CW figures for years (on and off since I got into CW artifacts a lot in the past few years - really wish I had bought Burnside's Bridge when you could find it) and recently branched out into WWII. I got interested in the Iron Brigade because I went to grad school at UW Madison and lived up there for many years. You might like some of my photos from the 140th Antietam reenactment (several Iron Brigade shots at the Cornfield). Go to
    Hi Ron,
    Welcome to my friends list,I have read many of your posts and I enjoy seeing pics of your dioramas.You have a very nice collection.
    As you may know currently I only collect Britains. (I dream to be the Louis of Britains :D LOL) I am working on two series (both retired) Trooping the Colour and The Queens Jubilee Coronation Series. Some great sets and my main interest is in the Ceremonial displays. I have yet to be swayed by K&C as I prefer the glossies and not to say I don't appreciate others collections or the pieces themselves. The SoHK range is very appealing however. Maybe one day when I win the lottery, I have enough trouble keeping up with one manufacturer.
    Hi Ron, i live in a 5 room flat, and everyone in my family has a hobby - books, dvds, etc.. so there's always battle for space.. but its kinda interesting as all of us have different areas of interest.. i'm sure you dont have that problem?
    How's it going Ron? I know you convinced Andy to make that NA158SL so don't deny it!:p Curse you, now I have to get the Old Guard to go with it. I was going to get the Cuirassiers to attack my 42nd Highlanders in the flank first but now it's the Old Guard! I hope Andy releases some new regular French Line Infantry sometime in the next year. Now that I have THE MARSHALL I must have his Corps as well. I've decided to switch which rooms I'll display my collections in anticipation of a rather large expansion of Napoleonic purchases over the next 12-18 months. Those darn lines and squares take up so much room. Probably means I'll scale back my WWII aquisitions for a while. What sets are you hoping to see after the SL?

    hi ya Ron, i've been quite busy at work, but i always had time for the forum. i'm getting a lot of sets this month - Figarti V1 and V2 sets, K&C Fall of Berlin sets, Hb damaged winter panther and winter panther, etc.. the bad part is, i havent think what to tell the family, or where to display them! my house is still clogged with 1/6 figures, which i am slowly clearing., how bout you?
    Been very busy with work and have been away - which has been good since all the BS that was being thrown at me by the Canadian Coalition.

    Also cutting back a little on new buys and waiting for new Napoleon Set.

    How are you ?
    Like your photo albums Ron! Especially the Naps. I just posted some tonight on my web page.
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