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  • ron a pleasure to hear your kind remarks from the MASTER set the standard others can only dream of in napoleonics the brits salute you.

    regards paul

    I just looked at your Napoleonic Collection - WOW - very impressive indeed ! :)

    Love the range of everything you have.

    Cheers, Ron
    thank you mike thats a very kind comment,its a shame that clinton (octavian) is giving up the hobby dont you think.

    I will have to admit, that it's forum member's collections such as yours and Octavians that got me interested in collecting Napoleonics.

    hiya mate yes got your last message been up the wall,will be in touch over the weekend for a gab when i'll have a bit of time on my hands (if the wife doesn't have me doing any d.i.y)
    one of the members had a spare greys collapsing horse which he sold to me so was very pleased and a fair bit less than the £122 the one on ebay went for.I still want 3 or 4 more but may get them from K&C.Sagers soldiers is cheap p&p from the US and he will put a low value on the customs form.The only problem is with the poor exchange rate your not saving much at the moment.
    I really enjoyed the pictures of your Napoleonic collection Paul. Very very nice.

    I am very pleased you like the picture, thank you for your kind comments
    It's my pleasure to accept your friendship request. Have also just sent you one (auto). By the way, I have now finished packing your Naps and will ship them tomorrow (Wednesday). Let me know when you get them.

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