Recent content by Middleguard

  1. Middleguard

    X-Force Future release

    Very nice figures. Good choice of poses, although I don't see a guy swinging his musket as a club. Gee, what a shame. Sarcasm off. Anyway, as nice as these are, at that price, I cannot buy these guys. Simply cannot afford almost $4 a figure. The thing is, I have never liked the bardin...
  2. Middleguard

    Plastic Napoleonic Battle

    I am Middleguard and I approve this battle scene. The non-Napoleonic fellows are not noticable at the distance you shot the pics from. They look close enough anyway and fill up the ranks. Nice use of the limited space. The piled up dead are a fine effect, and again from a distance, the poses of...
  3. Middleguard

    futur set autrian

    Also as to HaT, My hobby is toy soldiers. I cannot even figure out how to sign in on their 1/32 blog site so I couldn't have even ordered any austrians if I had wanted to. I am not a computer genius, in fact I hate the computer for the reason i just listed and I am not interested in learning how...
  4. Middleguard

    futur set autrian

    In HaTs defence, they did have this discussion on their 1/32 forum board for a while some time back. They were taking suggestions on what sets to make and how to make them. They had plenty of comments and a lively discussion among the participants. Seems to me that they tried to make a set...
  5. Middleguard

    French Napoleonic Army

    Yes, the picture size thing is confusing. Here's the thing. The guy that rented me the building to do my giant battle has been doing renovations and he split up the room I was using into more than one room. So that spot is no longer available. He's a business guy and he has to do what's good...
  6. Middleguard

    French Napoleonic Army

    Good to see you painting again. I am trying to determine the different manufacturers that you have together. I see a lot of HaT and Timpo. After that I think I see ACTA and then I'm guessing after that. The up close pictures show some good detailing but it is nice to see the volume of a unit...
  7. Middleguard

    Any more new hat sets in 1/32nd?

    I agree with your opinion on the subject of Hat doing a lot of smaller kingdom armies. That being said, The headgear of the barvarians and wurttumbergers was immpossible to convert without costly metal purchases. So I was happy to buy several boxes of the marching and action poses of each...
  8. Middleguard

    Confederate Cavalry once again...

    That's some well detailed paint work on a fine subject matter. How long does it take to paint a single figure in that style and how many years of painting did it take for you to achive that level of ability?
  9. Middleguard

    Steve Weston German WW I Tank offensive.

    Even though I enjoy painting toy soldiers I really appriciate a well laid out set up with minimal painting and accessories. This is a reminder of all the toy soldier playing I did as a kid. Thanks for the flashback.
  10. Middleguard

    Napoleonic war game unit sizes

    As per your suggestions I spent a week painting these guys for sale on ebay as a French line infantry battalion. There are 20 figures with 8 fusiliers, and 4 each grenadiers, voltigeurs and command. Thanks for the suggestions.
  11. Middleguard

    Ruthless British Commandos (airfix + matchbox 1/32)

    Wonderful. Simple but effective. You get what toy soldiers are all about. I'll be going to youtube later and will check out the movie.
  12. Middleguard

    Napoleonic war game unit sizes

    Thanks for the replies. I am not going to afix the figures to bases as there is so much variety to war game rules. I was only concerned with selling them in groups that gamers would be interested in so as to not have too many leftover figures or to be short only a few to complete a unit...
  13. Middleguard

    Napoleonic war game unit sizes

    To those of you who wargame the Napoleonic wars in 1/32 scale I ask, How many figures do you use per unit for the rules that you use? What size units are used and how many figures to represent each unit? Also what is the make up of a unit? In that I mean how many officers, drummers/buglers...
  14. Middleguard

    Timpo thoughts

    My biggest miss with the Timpo line was the lack of Napoleonic French line infantry. They made the British line and highlanders but only French Imperial guard figures. Even at that the guard figures are not in correct uniform. The Prussian infanrty is very useful as earlier Russian infantry...
  15. Middleguard

    LOD Enterprises

    Thanks for all the replies, information and links. jac28 I assume these are in your possession. Could you fill me in on a few things? Are these one piece figures like the Black Cat Napoleonic Russians that are pre-assembled but made from separate parts to get a fully rounded pose, or do I have...