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  • I may try to pick a few up.......Len M does not show any on his listing...but I just order the MD set......wanted to get that for sure...
    Hi Rick,

    Just thought I would let you know the back issues of the Standard are back up on the Britains collectors site.
    Hi Rick,

    I haven't used that brand of paint but have used similar acrylic paints such as plaid from Wal-Mart. You could use white base coat, I have used black and grey also. Just make sure you seal them when finished to protect them.

    Hiope all is well at your end.

    Thanks I doubt I have the nerve to do it.........if you ever get to arizona let me know like to show you around....
    Hi there - Bent weapons on figures happen I believe during individual packaging. I don't think its a production problem. I have always been able to CAREFULLY, and I do mean carefully, straighten them out without a problem.
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