Scarlet Pimpernel

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  • Nicholas, I took your advice and opened up your albums - "holy tutta Caracas". Those pics are choice - great camera work, and hiding the bases is also where I want to go in the future. Most excellent sir, and thank you for the show.................Joe
    Merry Christmas Nicholas...enjoy the Holidays...hope your future endeavors pan out better than you ever imagined...have enjoyed our conversations in the past and future...
    Thank you Nicholas- your painting is much better than my "work" I decided to deal with painted figures instead of being frustrated about my bad painting...:D-reagards Marcus did a great job displaying your massive troops in your new pictures...more...more...more...please...Michael's #2 Colony Park Circle, Galveston, Texas 77551
    I'm anxious to see it (balsa)...I'm guessing it's going to be a time saver and I think it will give a more "rustic" look than I can produce...if you can...throw in a handful of the home foundation groundwork...I'm anxious to see what you've been talking about...thanks again...Michael
    Hi there,
    Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I don't always check this area of the forum.
    Most of the products are sold by the fine folks that host this site. Just search under Hudson & Allen Studio. I might also suggest checking with Michigan Toy Soldier as they carry almost everything.
    We are currently building a website that will have our standard items in addition to the custom items we produce from time to time.
    Thanks for your interest in the images we post. These are created between sculpting deadlines so I don't get the time to work on these as much as I might like.
    We never use photoshop to improve the work, just a couple of photofloods and our hand painted backdrops.
    You won't be disappointed in joining this forum Nicholas. Visit often and post alot.
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