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  • Thanks for the friendship request . . . . you honor me sir. In Santee S.C. at the moment on my annual Golf Trip with my brother and friends. I don't haave easy access to a computer but did find your friendship request this morning at the hotel's internet room. All the best . . . .
    I'm a Naps guy myself, though being a Southern boy its hard not to have a deep seated interest in the ACW as well, alas my bank account couldn't handle that much excitement. :p I have only a couple of Southern figures, but I do deeply admire all the the W Britains ACW sets as they look great. I would say Gettysburg would be a big interest of mine. That being said Naps is where its at for me, I've loved that era since I was young and learned of the fighting 95th and Richard Sharpe ;)
    Hi Thrawn. Thanks for the friend request. You mentioned collecting ACW figs. How long have you collected and any particular interest, Union/Confed, particular battels? Iron Bgde I think you mentioned.
    Yes I'm a LEO here in Alabama U.S. I'll bet there are a few differences across the pond...but that being said I'm sure there are many common threads. My real name is Josh, Thrawn stems from several Star Wars books, Thrawn is an Imperial Grand Admiral in the storyline. He's just a personal fav.
    Hello mate, I see you're a Police Officer as well! I'm sure it's very different in Alabamba than in Wiltshire, UK. What's "thrawn" all about? Simmo (short for Simpson - my surname, not my favourite TV show).
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