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  • Merry Christmas John, hope 2012 see waves of Naps sweeping down upon us nasty old Brits for you mate! All the best
    Actually I am pretty on the ball about most repairs. I have done pretty well up to and including a glossy Camel leg on an early K&C Sudan piece. Hoping all is well down under.
    I personally would put it under the How To section since the technique applies to more than just K&C products. I can move it for you. Regards, Shannon
    hi John,
    Noticed that you are online. Have you checked your email recently as I have replied to your latest post and would be glad to know what you think about my suggestions.

    Hi John,

    great to see you here. Received your latest newsletter and great article on the K&C trip. Great looking Aussie troopers too. Loved your congreve rocket. I'll be updating my website in a few days time. Quite interesting stuff.

    Rgds Victor
    Welcome to the forum, obee! Would you be John O'Brien, of the online gallery fame? I enjoy your website very much.

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