The Major
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  • The Major
    The Major
    The Original Airfix plastic 7Th Cavalry and Horses. Or ARE they?!! ? We also have a surviving Metal horse saddle. Airfix's figures are IDENTICAL, The Horses evidently got changed? for their version of the release. So it appears at any rate. So WHO was the original maker or Sculptor for the 7th Cavalry set?
    airfix seventh cavalry figures cream colour plastic.jpg
    The original Horses that came along with both Cowboys and Seventh Cavalry Sets of METAL 1/32 Figures. Evidently a much earlier older vintage set, pre dating Airfix's release of plastic identical figures. Ok own up, WHO COPIED WHO?????

    Who made the AIRFIX 1/32 7th Cavalry (originaly issued in Cream colour Plastic)???. These rare old Metal figures have clearly been around a VERY "long" time. Whats the story here? Any help greatly apreciated. The Horses are older, eviently "originals" too. We got Cowboys the same era as these too. Who was the authentic creator originaly?
    AIRFIX and ROSEDALE "Toy Soldier" Seventh Cavalry 1/32 "Mystery". Photo shows METAL old "master" from Rosedale in our Posession. They are clearly for AIRFIX "Seventh Cavalry" Troopers. (Only issued in Plastic by AIRFIX).
    Max Chevallier has restored and SAVED a Mould tooling which "Kaputnik" had contaminated by casting sticky Plastic into it. He removed using surgical Tweezers the Contaminant, it took an entire morning by hand, but the result (second photo below) IMG_2024-10-31-11-15-57-841.jpg is impressive.
    Because the previous owners had such a negative Public or Industry image e are re making ALL "Display" Models. This will take time. Here, basic undercoats have been applied ready for proper painting and assembly to begin. 1/32 Parts shown (Mountford Range Kits).

    The assembly of the Display models continues. Once theres "enough" we will upload. have a nice weekend.
    The Major
    The Major
    One BOFORS on Carriage Display Model is for a British or Commonwealth crewed BOFORS Gun in the North African or "Western desert" Campaign. Another BOFORS Gun on carriage is destined to create a "New" Russian WW2 Crewd variant of the weapon. I am working on "NEW" Russian Crew figures for that.
    The Major
    The Major
    My English step father was a sailor on board HMS Searcher which shipped a lot of the Russian Allied Military equipment to Murmansk in early WW2 years before the opening of the Persian Iranian rail head to Russia using the Trans Siberia railway. He saw Churchill tanks Bofors guns all sorts of stuff got loaded into the Ships hangars
    The Major
    The Major
    I have just finished spraying the British 5.5 Inch Howitzer Gun parts Army green basic colour. Another British WW2 Gun Display model is also being painted, depicting a Desert Allied or Commonwealth Unii in action in 1941/2.
    The Kaput guys had labelled this as "man with feather plume hat" !!! Looks like a pair of German "Landschnekts" to us. Any other opinions please? IMG_2024-10-22-18-35-10-157~2.jpg
    A Burgundian Foot Soldier Looting and Stealing from a French Village. Burgundian soldiers earned a very bad reputation during the war between France and the English King. It may have been an influenceing factor to bring Joan D Arc into the War in Domremy (la Pucelle).
    The ONLY Four surviving Rosedale Crecy Knight Mounted masters. happily we have the toolings intact, and just made fresh new castings this week. (Minus the Arms and weapons lost by kaputnik !!). I have substituted arms armour and weapons however. So the Knights WILLL be avilable again soon. 54MM Scale.
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    A Chota Sahib figure originaly from our ex Sarum Studio Figurine Range, (we own both scales of the Entire production) takes a walk out in the States, disguized apparently as a "Real model" American trucker....we appear to have inherited the "Real Model Master for him. most "informative".nice modern figure. 90MM scale. "ELVIS" on rear jacket panel.

    One of the Rosedale Medieval Archers or Bow men. many include a base with a wooden stake included as part of the Kit, in 54 MM Scale. (master shown was made in Lead sometime during the late Sixties.
    One of Al Charles's Saxons in 54 MM Scale (In our considered opinion closer to sixty MM scale size)*. Well detailed and lifelike. There are a good number like him in the range too.
    Amazingly, "No" the Busty Vampire woman winged figure is NOT one of "Cliff Sandersons" fantasy figures. Al and Dale apparently.....
    Interesting unusual action poses, and high levels of detail mark this range of figures. The helmet armour and halberd of the taller figure are particulalry finely detailed
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