The Major
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  • Finding that Greeg Simon in N Z and DJR Models (Dave Palmer deceased) and Patrick Himself were ALL making and selling OUR products he supposedley "sold" with FULL COPYRIGHT to us in 2009 FRANKLY IS THE FINAL "STRAW". I will take "steps".
    The Major
    The Major
    or Perhaps I should hire a good old fashioned Witch like did the Sherrif of Notingham? And put a malediction or Curse on the buggers? Lol it certainly would be cheaper and safer for me heh heh Come to think of it lol i m supposed to have Inherited a Witching Curse from the Baron de Balam of Normandie, an Ancestor of mine. ......that d be highly amusing WINK
    To Be or NOT to "be" that is the Question, for now is the Winter of our Discontent !!!
    The Major
    The Major
    Paying a Costly Attorney is "unlikely" to recover ENOUGH Money from the Two Run away N Z Kaputniks, and getting any justice for a Frenchman in FROME England against Frome model Centre for massive CommercialPiracy froma English Magistrate is "unlikely" (they hate us French).
    The Major
    The Major
    My Ancestor was Deported to Botany bay Australia by an English "Beek". he jumped ship in the Carribean, went on run two years, evenhad a wife and kids there. Red coats finaly captured him and sent himto Botany bay. he is buried there, name on the Red Coats prison records; Nice people the English nest' pas? !
    The Major
    The Major
    He walked in to the Church wedding of his jilted Lover, fired a Blunder Bus loaded with Steer manure and Salt at them, covering everyone in "you know what". He never intended to do real harm only revenge for humiliation by his best friend who took his woman. The "Beek" or magistrate did not see the "funnny side" and his death
    I discovered that Fleur baix Toy Soldiers had been making and "selling" P J D WILLi's Figurines for some years !!!!! We discovered SARUM and CHTA SAHIB items muddled up in big bags inside our ROSEDALE Masters !!!!!!! Grrrrrrr Willis evidently offerred then "sold" them to Father Gregg Simon whilest also "selling the rights and "tools" to us !!!!!!
    The Major
    The Major
    GREEDY FINANCIAL PARASITE !!!!!! We are DISGUSTED UTTERLY with the scandalous Conduct of Patrick J D Willis in this affair. Patrick J D Willis had charged us FOR BOTH Toy and FIGURINE Ranges, delivered only one, "retained other figures" and at same time "sold" to THREE other makers !!!!!!
    The Major
    The Major
    Finding the Ex Sarum and Chota Sahib production "buried" amongst Rosedale made me, Max Chevallier Incandescent with rage. Evidently Willis CHEATED FOUR TIMES to boost his failing Revenues, then re commenced trading witht he SAME Company again, remaining a UK Company Director" of a company supposedley wound up !!!!!
    The Major
    The Major
    Frankly? This has to be the biggest God ****d scandal to Rock this Industry in many years. (And there have been quite a few in recent years !). I shall review our rights under this situaton and consider "taking recovery action" steps against Patrick JD Willis in Europe for FULL RECOVERY of all Monies spent Plus Compensation and Damages
    Simon stole a number of these Stadden Professionaly painted figure samples or "Display" Models.. So there are "some" and it is only "some" items that we are re Painting again from new castings , but thankfully not very many. Max Chevallier was robbed and beaten up by those involved in that English backed theft, and offers a reward of up to 1000 Pounds for information leading to an arrest.
    Clearing up the frightful poor image eft to us by the thef and Copyright abuser FROME Model centre Somerset, and Mrs Simon and Graham England actually ironicaly "in" England, has taken a lot of very hard work. Our standards wre set by Becky Stadden with our Professionaly painted Display figures.
    Spent my entire weekend here working on our new Catalogue featuring our ex Sid Horton Ex Chota Sahib (Sarum under Patrick J D Willis) Studio Figurines. These are being re issued in phases over the coming Winter and Next year. I will upload the Catalogue shortly. NOTE PLEASE Not "All" items are to be available at "once".
    No Toy Soldier, IndividualCasting, Multiple Castings, parts or kit Components can be Copied, partialy Copied or sold to create work sold Commercially. Private Toy Soldier Collectors may "convert" our figures for use in private collections or Exhibitions or Model Shows , Competitions, BUT may NOT replicate them or then sell them commercially.
    All our Toy Soldiers vehicles and Model kits are legaly Protected and Registered and Digitaly Certificated Copyright with a legal Entity of Registration. All Rights Reserved. Copyright may not be pirated or sold by third parties as if their own. All photos Figures and Castings are our Legaly held Copyright.
    Our Web Site will be featuring a Online Catalogue, Secure Point of payment, Terms of Business, and a History of our Business and the Toy or Model Soldiers that we make design and sell.
    We are a European Business and Trade within the European Union Zone of Business and Commercial Trade. Our Business therefore will upon commencement of our first sales, and Opening, fully comply with all current EU and/ or French Regulations and legal requirements. We do NOT supply UK Retailers due to previous Fraud and unpaid invoices by Frome Model Centre. We will sell to individual Collectors only.
    Goods to be despatched within 28 Days (though we hope very much it will be somewhat more rapid than this) you must allow a maximum of 28 days for Delivery.
    Large Scale "big" items are special Order and we require a first payment of Fifty percent of the total before work begins. The rest to be paid upon completion ready for delivery. Our Minimum Order for goods will be 200 Euros. Figures and Vehicles etc are sold as Unpainted Castings in Kit form.
    We are posting a Contact E Mail and Address in the next few days. Payment for Goods is by Credit Card. A secure payment Web Site is under Construction. Please note we are unable to accept Foreign Cheques drawn on Overseas banks at this time.
    Saracen Spearman. other weapons optional for many figures in this series. 54Mm White Lead Free metal. NB Sold as castings in Kit form at this time.

    Our large Scale Scots Piper. Large scale items like these are required to be paid for Fifty percent in Advance of Delivery. our range of Larger items are made to Special Order.


    Our British Gulf war Infantryman. With a bit of Converting work he can "do" for Modern European, American or even Israeli "Tshal".IMG_2024-10-26-11-59-18-708.jpg

    Lost for decades, wefound the MASTERS, and this fine Figure has now returned to Production. 54MM 1/32 Scale. By Al Charles.

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