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  • Hi Andreas, I sent you an e-mail to your G.Mail account and I wondered if I had the right address as it is rather old. Let me know,
    I consider it to be my honor that you excepted Andanna. I am a mere rank novice myself, and some might say I am ranker than most. This is one of the great benefits of this forum - the exchange an sharing of ideas amongst fellow collectors. The exchange of info on the "what ifs". Yesterday, I was able to correspond on the same subject (AWI) with gentlemen like yourself all across the U.S. and even from Scotland, Portugal, Luxembourg, and France. Its just marvelous.
    Andreas: Glad you are on board and my friend. I saw your album with Jim's Durbar collection. Do you think you could get him to join? Best regards, Tommy
    Hello Andreas ,
    I'm a big fan of your Photography , And glad to have you as a friend . As you know we both collect FL , I'm also a big collector of Aeroart and of pro painted items , mostly done as commissions . I used to collect several other mass produced items to cut down on cost , but since I discovered FL , well lets just say dass nicht mehr erforderlich ist . Looking at your albums I see we share a like interest in the Armies of the Rheinbund . I also collect Rome and her foes , Crusades , WWI and the Fredrick the Great period . But find myself buying just about anything that is done well . All the best Gebhard
    Many thanks for the Delhi Durbar Album. Downloaded a few photos to supplement my own collection.

    I also enjoyed your Tokugawa Ieyasu folio. I too am an avid collector of all things samurai.

    Also looks like you attend MFCA. I'm a painter and have displayed there for years. Love to buy you a beer next year - back to Valley Forge!!
    I'm very into Durbar
    saw ur album AWSOME
    pictures worth a thousand words
    these are now the reference for my collection
    u are a + for a Durbar collector
    I was at Jim's paradise once
    that will make u drule
    again awsome work u done
    i will follow u
    Really nice albums you have there.
    I already browsed some of them but I still have a lot of them to enjoy.
    Thanks for posting these wonderful pictures.
    Andanna, your photos of Monarch samurai figures are by far the best I have ever seen, and I have collected every one I have seen on the internet. Furthermore your research is, by and large, excellent. Finding a new Monarch collector to converse with is a rare and true joy for me in this hobby - for whatever reason this company remains largely unknown, despite the fact I think its figures are among the best in the industry. I look forward with great anticipation to more of your photos and thoughts concerning these wonderful figures.
    It is every time a great pleaure to have a look at your new added pics. I am happy as well to have someone here on the forum with a "faible" for German troopers. Your bavarian is very good:D:D, I do not collect weissbierglaeser, but I drink from time to time a weissbier....:D best regards from Wurttemberg/Germany Marcus
    Hi Andanna,

    Hope all is well with you was hoping to chat with you about the Durbar. Please drop me a PM if you have time and I will post you my questions. Looking forward to some great discussions

    All the best

    Good morning, Randy. It was a wonderful cruise.

    If funds were unlimitd, I would clearly look at Hocker's models. But I need to remain focussed.

    I have not taken any photos with the background yet that you prepared for me, but hope that I will have the time this weekend.
    Hello Andreas
    Welcome back. How was your vacation trip?
    I found that Wm Hocker picture today on his site. I had not seen it before.
    I also hope the next FL delivery will be without defects.

    In addition to the joints, the plumes were broken off. It also seems that at least in one case, the pressure on the plume was so high that the base of the plume on the hat was totally bent sideways, the color on the hat slittered off and a piece of metal between base and plume broke off. Mere painting will therefore not suffice and a repair after a first look appears to be beyond my abilities.
    Matt will send me a new set and he does not want these back. I would feel miserable throwing them out. Do you know someone who might have an interest in either repairing them at a discount for me or repairing them against "sharing" the figures? Any help is - as usual - highly appreciated.

    I know that getting them professionally repaired will certainly exceed the purchase price.

    I am on my way now to Iowa City helping a friend whose wife fell ill for the weekend and therefore might not have access to the internet as easily as normal .

    Regards, Andreas
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