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  1. Ivanhoe

    CRU105-CRU109 Teutonic Knights Battle of Lake Peipus!

    Looks like a painting !! Excellent. Thank you for posting.
  2. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    wow ! Thank you for posting this Robin. Would take almost as much time to properly view this as it did for you to set it up.
  3. Ivanhoe

    Home guard

    Great Diorama Robin ! Love the Detail...Painting, Posters and photos on the wall...Piano, clock, all add so much. Thank you for posting.
  4. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    Robin; This is 'very' impressive ! That Mummy is great. Thank you.
  5. Ivanhoe

    An Otherwise Lovely Afternoon

    Really like the angle and perspective of this photo. Great plane and figures. Thank you.
  6. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Thank you Robin ! As I age, enjoyment of the interaction of Forum members and this hobby only increases for me. Just love your collections and dioramas you share with all of us.
  7. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Larry; Thank you so much ! My 'contributions' are not anywhere near the level of some of you. This Forum and members like yourself, provide many hours of enjoyment to myself and many others.
  8. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Thank you Mike ! We have another Winter storm coming Wednesday night through Thursday, at first they were forecasting three to six inches of snow, now they say the system is shifting West a bit and looks like eight inches for us...just received eight inches last Saturday. Hope you do not get...
  9. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Steve; Thank you ! Much appreciated. Just ordered some Medieval figures a little late...but gives me something to look forward to.
  10. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Thank you Michael ! Am getting up there in of my joys is seeing the fine creations made and posted here by you.
  11. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Thank you Roy ! Love the picture of Henry Tudor & Sir William Brandon...and of course the 'Banner'. Weather appears to be breaking towards Spring (finally) in this part of the world.
  12. Ivanhoe

    Hang 'em high

    Very well done ! Great scene. Thank you for posting.
  13. Ivanhoe

    Pirate Castings

    jb; Those pirates are beautiful ! Well Done. Thank you.
  14. Ivanhoe

    ROM115 "The Spoils of War" Pre-Order!

    That is an amazing set you just acquired - Congratulations ! Very excellent display, background works great. Thank you for posting.
  15. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    Robin; Great display of some wonderful figures ! Buildings work great. Thank you.
  16. Ivanhoe

    1st Picture of 2019 DAK

    Really like your Afrika Korps dioramas ! Thank you for posting...well done.
  17. Ivanhoe

    Purchasing "job-Lots"

    jb; "Gwynn"...Always learn something from reading and viewing your posts ! Thank you.
  18. Ivanhoe

    New Releases for January 2019 - The Second World War

    Mike; Congratulations ! Your Carrier force is quite extensive now. Thank you. We are probably sending some cold temps your way.
  19. Ivanhoe

    Crossing Slippery Rock Creek

    Excellent scene ! That water is amazingly well done. Thank you for posting.
  20. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    Robin; This is a 'Real' Classic...just love K&C's Olde Egypt ! Very well displayed. Thank you for posting.