Search results

  1. O

    Expeditionary Force WW2 sets???

    They are beautifully sculpted (as is typical with X-Force) but I agree with you all on the poses; they are also a bit too parade ground clean for my preferences as well. However, they would make great larger scale wargaming pieces. I still wouldn't mind getting some - if the prices aren't...
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    Mustering my Napoleonic army

    Enjoying the shots - I am dealing with the same problem as far as my collection - lack of room to store and no place really to set up the figures I've collected. But for some crazy reason I hold out hope one day I'll be able to find a place to do some of the great scenes I've dreamed about since...
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    Mexican Revolution 54mm Game at Partizan

    What an impressive layout! Reminds me of the great Mexican Revolution Movies I watched as a kid. "Villa Rides!" "The Professionals!" to name a few.
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    new guy

    Love the vividness of the paint job on these guys - one of the great things about Nappies is the colors, even if they might not have looked that pretty in real life. Some beautiful shots - thanks for sharing.
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    Britains deetail german afrika korps conversions

    Kudos on some great jobs on the figures. It makes me regret not getting any of them back in the day - particularly as I am beginning to paint my 1/32 collection. Y'all have really made superb figures even better.
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    Texas Rising

    The terrain is one of the first things that hit me. I just returned from that part of Texas and have roamed all over it in the years. I've been all across Texas and have never seen craggy cliffs or rocks such as depicted. Also, the "Fort Defiance" at Goliad bore no resemblance to the actual...
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    Interesting accessories

    That gun always reminded me of a toy version of the US M114 155mm Towed Howitzer; those of us who worked the beast called it "The Pig Iron" or "Pig" for short. It was a total bear to work - a bear to unhook from its prime mover, a bear in emplace, and a bear to shoot. But the trunnions...
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    Bassevitch Crimean War Russians

    I kind of think you are both correct; they look to be more for display, but by the same token they could supplement other sets nicely; I've always said the one thing I liked about TSSD sets and Cunnyngham's one set was you could place a figure or two of their into a "generic" firing line (and...
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    Just what we need to complete our armies!

    I AM considering legal action for using my image without my permission - even if they did remove my beard.
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    Just what we need to complete our armies!

    These guys are obviously from the Vietnam Era, they would never pass AR 600-9 imposed at the end of the war... {sm4}
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    Individual Plastic Figures

    Just one of the challenges of using plastic I guess. Every choice has a tradeoff. I've found a good sharp hobby knife, a bit of care - and even heating of the blade to melt jagged edges can work wonders. I'm not normally fond of AIP's sculpting style but you have done wonders with these guys...
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    Italeri 1/32nd?

    Probably are; Italeri and Waterloo 1815 have a symbiotic relationship. So far their sets have been different from each other, though it appears they use the same sculptor(s) - but with Revell producing old ESCI/Italeri sets and Italeri producing "new" sets of repackaged ESCI sets as their own I...
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    Wanted! Some Sheriff's Men

    Jim, you definitely have better info than I; I was just going off what I gathered from his site. It will be good to have him up and at it again in any case. Do you know if Ron plans to go to Texas this year? It would be great to see him again. One of these days you are going to have to make it -...
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    Wanted! Some Sheriff's Men

    According to his website he sold out of EVERYTHING during Christmas and is in the midst of re-stocking. He was supposed to be back up on April 1st but due to typical problems with production (China! for some of his plastics, I'd imagine) he has put that back to May 1st.
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    Advice for painting Armies in Plastic Figures

    My technique, which has almost completely eliminated flaking and peeling on my plastic collection in both 1/72 and 1/32 scale (though I don't know whether or not I give them the punishment your son will). 1) Wash with detergent. 2) Spray with a plastic bonding paint such as Krylon Fusion. (I...
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    Your thoughts for next TSSD sets.

    Some nice ideas, but I remember that Nick had been contemplating launching a series on ARW before he discovered Ron Barzso was going there. Now that it appears Barzso's ARW plans are on indefinite hold I'd love to see what he had in mind.
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    Conte Black Box

    Now that I see the boxes, I remember them, too! Geez what an anal-cranial vaporlock on my part! So it was the Conte Warlord and Zulu sets that came in the black boxes. Thanks for taking the trouble to post pix of the boxes and correct my Sr moment (only explanation I can give!) {sm4}
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    Conte Black Box

    Mine came in the same black boxes the Zulu and Longest Day guys came in. That's interesting. Maybe one or the other was a short run. I'd love to see those boxes just to see the artwork. Thanks for sharing that.
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    Conte Black Box

    When he first started out in the late 1990s early 2000s? that's how he sold his separate figure sets (apart from the Playsets) - I know all my first Conte sets of figures came in black boxes with 2 ea. of 8 poses. All the Zulu Warriors, 24th Foot, Warlord Normans & Vikings, and "Longest Day" US...
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    I like the IDEAL pirates - great for ship to ship combat and hanging from the riggings; the Marx pirates in both 54mm and 60mm were nicely done but the poses aren't very action packed, though I've managed a few mild conversions to make them serve as cannoneers for the War of 1812, Battle of New...