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  1. B

    Size of Ex Force ancients?

    I recently got a lot of soldiers with about 10 Conte Spartans in bronze. I am shocked at the change in color. The bronze has turned into various colors from a dark brown to a dull brown/tan, and even a hint of green! Worse still is that each figure is changing at different rates to different...
  2. B

    I predict an upcoming market for Mountain Men & Blackfoot Indian figures.

    I beg to differ, regardless of the popularity of the upcoming movie. No company can put out a set so quickly, i.e. 'in the next few months.' It just can't be done. Also, the market for these figures just isn't there. You can use hundreds of figures (even the same pose) in any Napoleonic or CW...
  3. B

    Email response from Scott of Expeditionary Force

    Funny, I had the same feeling when I got Delson's catalog. He almost killed the toy soldier market, in my opinion. Were it not for the internet, it would have been virtually impossible for other companies to wedge in and save the day.
  4. B

    Size of Ex Force ancients?

    I'll say it again--I have noticed absolutely no decay problems with Conte stuff and I have ALL their figures. I am surprised that you like that rubbery material. I hate that stuff. Too much distortion and boil-and-freeze does not keep them in the desired, correct position. Of course, the...
  5. B

    Size of Ex Force ancients?

    I have all the Spartans in silver--bought them about 5 or 6 years ago and they were still in the packages. I have taken them out, set them up, killed some Persians, AND put them back in their packages. I have not had any problem with them fading at all. Brittle? They were made that way--a...
  6. B

    Size of Ex Force ancients?

    I have both the Conte and EF Greeks. The EF are a tad smaller, but not much and work well with Conte's. I don't have any problem with using both together. Hope that helps. BDYH