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  1. A

    New American Revolution from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men is pleased to announce the "second edition" of our foremost figure line, the American Revolution. We have converted, re-mastered, re-tooled and re-created many of our AWI figures and sets. Heads have been removed and made separate. So have arms. Other sets have been re-made...
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    Iron Brigade New from All the King's Men

    You may have seen our brand new ACW Zouaves recently. Now they're joined by the Federal Iron Brigade! Or more specifically, American Civil War troops in frock coats. They can be used for the Iron Brigade or any other frock-coated regiment from the war. As with all ATKM figures, these are 54mm...
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    ACW Zouaves from All the King's Men

    We at All the King's Men Toy Soldiers are pleased to announce the release of our latest miniatures for the American Civil War: Zouaves! As with all ATKM figures, they are 54mm and cast in metal. You can see them on our ACW web page: These...
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    More AWI Custom 54's from ATKM

    I'm pleased to announce that All the King's Men has added two new sets to our "Custom Conversion" range. That's where we take our existing figures (sometimes ones unavailable in such sets), convert them, and make them ready for you to paint. They come fully assembled, cleaned, based, and primed...
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    54mm Custom Conversions

    All the King's Men Toy Soldiers LLC is pleased to announce that we now offer custom converted figures. These sets are unique combinations of our 54mm figures, parts and accessories to make new troop types. Converted sets are cleaned and assembled. In many cases greenstuff is used to add...
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    54mm AWI Command from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men Toy Soldiers is pleased to announce new command figures for the American Revolution, including a fifer and drummer. The figures come with separate heads for maximum versatility. You get to choose heads! You can see all the details here...
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    54mm Black Troops from All the King's Men

    Thanks, Jazzeum! Completely agreed, these heads could be used for British/loyalist troops in the AWI, and in the War of 1812. Ken
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    54mm Black Troops from All the King's Men

    Thanks, Brad! Not specifically about the RI regiment. I wanted to make these heads as universal as possible, while that headgear would have been very specific. Ken
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    54mm Black Troops from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men Toy Soldiers is pleased to announce separate heads to make black soldiers. These pieces can be used from the American Revolution to the American Civil War, and beyond. We offer them for both periods: American Revolution
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    54mm Civilian Militia from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men Toy Soldiers is pleased to announce a new set of civilian militia. These figures can be used from the American Revolution to the War of 1812 to the American Civil War with the right combination of heads and command figures. We offer them for all three periods: American...
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    All the King's Men License Ending

    Brad, no immediate plans, but it a beloved period so hopefully one day. Ken
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    All the King's Men License Ending

    Over the past few months All the King's Men has released several 54mm Napoleonic sets in conjunction with Stockade Miniatures and their Soldiers of the World line. The nature of that agreement has changed. We now offer those miniatures until the end of 2014 and that's it. No more of them from...
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    Split-Rail Fences from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men is pleased to introduce our new, original split-rail fences. These are ideal for 54mm and 40mm figures. Shown for reference are ATKM and Sash & Saber British grenadiers. (Figures not included.) You get 6 pieces in each set -- 6 sections of fence in three "poses." Each...
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    Napoleonic French Carabiniers from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men is pleased to announce the release of Napoleonic French carabiniers! They're in the 1812+ uniforms with breast- and backplates, and Greecian-style helmets. These join the cuirassiers we also released recently. You can see all the details on our Napoleonics page...
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    Napoleonic French Cuirassiers from All the King's Men

    Thanks for checking them out, John! I opt not to list our prices here on the Treefrog forum as a professional courtesy. It's their party and I'm just a guest. Our prices are kept low because we ship direct-to-consumer. Plus, I'm just a one-man show, so low overhead over here. Our shipping rates...
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    Napoleonic French Cuirassiers from All the King's Men

    Doh! Here's the correct link to our free PDF wargame rules. Sorry!
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    Napoleonic French Cuirassiers from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men is pleased to announce the release of Napoleonic French cuirassiers! You can see all the details on our Napoleonics page: These French heavies are 54mm, like all our figures. Riders are cast in metal, while horses and...
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    Corn Fields from All the King's Men

    All the King's Men is pleased to present corn fields for your diorama or wargame needs. Each pack contains 32 stalks with 4 earthen (resin) bases. The bases have 8 holes drilled in each and allow you to move rows around figures as needed. Fully assembled, the stalks stand 2.25 to 2.5 inches...
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    New AIP British ..a first look.

    Yup, we got lots of different heads from the period -- and bodies: Ken ATKM
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    ATKM 54mm Buildings

    Alongside our new 54mm ACW line, All the King's Men is pleased to announce our new set of 54mm buildings. They include: Brick building Church or town hall Stable Meeting house All 4 combined in a village (a $15 savings) You can see them all on our Terrain page, along with all our other 54mm...