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  1. bilblas

    advice please on glues

    Can anyone recommend the best type of glue to use for plastic 54mm conversion work. There are several on the market but I am unsure as to which would be most suitable. (I have heard good things about 'plasti-zap' and/or plastic cement ?) I will mainly be working with both vintage and new...
  2. bilblas

    Atlantic 7th Cavalry

    great stuff ! :)
  3. bilblas

    German Elite TSSD - My Second Time Painting

    They look great - especially the zeltbahn figures. :)
  4. bilblas

    Richard iii - battle of bosworth 1485

    These plastic men at arms/knights are from Accurate - 1/32 scale and could pass for that time period. Italeri also do a nice selection of plastic knights 1/32 but these may be a little early in time to pass for Bosworth ?
  5. bilblas

    Conte American Paratroops 54mm

    Hand painted Conte US Paras 54mm (plastic)
  6. bilblas

    Vintage Airfix Napoleonics 54mm

    Thanks, not 100 % sure as I did these a couple of years ago but I am fairly confident it would have been 'Flat red', as that is what I still have in the painting box.
  7. bilblas

    Vintage Airfix Napoleonics 54mm

    Here come the French . . .
  8. bilblas

    Vintage Airfix Napoleonics 54mm

    Some vintage Airfix Napoleonics 54mm. Hand Painted using Vallejo paints.
  9. bilblas


    vintage Airfix US Cavalry 54mm, hand painted.
  10. bilblas

    Favourite black and white war film ?

    yes the 'Train' is very good - i'd probably pick 'Bataan' : typically chirpy and wholesome before turning suprisingly violent for an old film.
  11. bilblas

    ACTA English civil war figures 54mm

    Recently picked up these figures on ebay, ACTA english civil war troops 54mm. Not my usual period of interest but they have painted up quite well.
  12. bilblas

    Barzso French Indian wars 54mm

    this is the current Indian range - Other older figures are available but pretty scarce and collectable these days.
  13. bilblas

    Airfix 54mm German Hanomags

    yes, I know exactly what you mean, some of the re issued CTS does look nearer 1/30 - 1/35 scale. The US halftrack came with tiny figures so I took a bit of artistic license when replacing them. The BMC range is not too bad - I have just included a couple of quick shots showing the 'King Tiger'...
  14. bilblas

    TSSD US Cavalry 54mm

    Thanks, I am not entirely sure if the colours are exactly right for the period, I am in no way expert on such matters and am constantly learning. I suppose I have been influenced by the westerns and images I grew up seeing - i know (or at least heard) that the yellow Kneckerchief was a hollywood...
  15. bilblas

    TSSD US Cavalry 54mm

    some of my hand painted TSSD Cavalry troops plus a set of Paragon Cavalry troops 54mm.
  16. bilblas

    TSSD Plains Indians 54mm

    some of my hand painted TSSD plains Indians plus a set of Paragon Apaches 54mm.
  17. bilblas

    Airfix 54mm German Hanomags

    This is the 54mm American half track also produced by CTS (Hand painted/figures have been added). This goes well with the Hanomags.
  18. bilblas


    These are just some amazing figures and the pictures are great, forgive my ignorance but who makes these figures, how old are they and what sort of prices do they fetch.
  19. bilblas

    Barzso French Indian wars 54mm

    a few of the excellant Indian warriors from Barzso. All hand painted 54mm.
  20. bilblas

    Airfix 54mm German Hanomags

    yes, they did quite a range in the 70's including tanks (mainly british), SPG's, scout cars and even a truck. The go for quite high prices on ebay (boxed) but there are still a few in circulation.