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  1. H

    Diorama for collectorsshowcase flak

    I'll post pictures on the weekend but here is one on my phone already. Dimitri made all three dioramas for me at the bottom
  2. H

    Diorama for collectorsshowcase flak

    Thanks Dimitri. Your work is amazing as always. I'm very pleased with the end result. I will post pics on weekend
  3. H

    Diorama for collectorsshowcase flak

    It's getting shipped this week from Greece. When it arrives I'll post some pics. The company who make the diorama are called dioramania. You can see some of Dimitris work on ebay.
  4. H

    Diorama for collectorsshowcase flak

    I wanted to share this diorama made for me for the original Normandy flak and crew. Theatre is Greece
  5. H

    Fallsh repaints

    Hi Re-Painted for me by my friend Dimitris in Greece. Although they feature in a previous thread i think they deserve their own. They have been shipped and hsould be with me next week with a new diorama base. Before After Base
  6. H

    New release: Sturmgeschutze ausf. G!

    I've been banging on about the deteriorating quality now for about a year and a half - mainly the quality of the sculpts and paint. I understand this is someone's business and most probably their livelihood and sometimes its difficult to make enough margin when prices of raw materials and labour...
  7. H

    New Diorama

    Not to mention completely inaccurate camo pattern!!!!!
  8. H

    New Diorama

    Thanks. The FJs are getting repainted and weathered by Dimitris. I'll post photos when they too are done.
  9. H

    New Diorama

    Made for me by Dimitris dioramania
  10. H

    Repaint: FJ

    Only 50 euros for all eight. Very cheap. But I buy dioramas from this nice guy so maybe it's a special price I'm not sure. His diorama bases are absolutely amazing.see for yourself.
  11. H

    Repaint: FJ

    I've had all eight Normandy FJ figures boxed up since I brought them a year or so ago . I've never been happy with the camo on these guys. Anyway to cut a long story short I've found a great modeller in Greece whose going to repaint the lot in proper splinter camo for me. I'm sending them off...
  12. H

    Questionable quality

    Well said.
  13. H

    Questionable quality

    For the record I'm happy to pay more for quality.
  14. H

    Questionable quality

    Well that would be a shame because they certainly use to make some very impressive figures and vehicles. It's only until recently that the quality has dropped. As I said they're the only range I buy.
  15. H

    Questionable quality

    I understand your point but I only buy for my personal viewing pleasure, I don't really buy as an investment or for resale value. Since I only buy collectorsshowcase this is the only line I'm interested in. If the quality of the painting doesn't improve then I'll just stay with what I have...
  16. H

    Questionable quality

    Perhaps my initial post was a bit harsh. However - looking at these two figures you can see the detailing is not as sharp on the Lehr figure
  17. H

    Questionable quality

    I've been a big fan if thecollectorsshowcase for the best part of four years. Up until recently I've purchased just about every one of their wwii vehicles and figures. About six months ago I started becoming a little disillusioned with the quality of the paintwork on their wwii figures. Despite...