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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    Hi Grognard, Mistake Faithfully Valmy
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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    Other soluce Gérard and Loison -Damvillers Meuse
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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    Maybe you're right, maybe not. Unfortunatly, the postman who dealt the mail in the street didn't write his memories. We're not helped.:smile2: Wait and see for the second half time. Faithfully Valmy
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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    The Colbert brothers
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    A rebellion in the 6th Army!!!!!

    They're little details but they're these kind which do the difference between a good and a great figure. I do not have shares in FL but the sculpt is really good and the paint shemes are similar. Other detail : if you look the figures (equipment,weapon), you can see that there's no mistake. For...
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    US Officer during Civil War - Starlux

    Hi all, Many thanks Brad, 2 - You must make a loop with piano wire and thread the ends inside (see pictures). For this you'll use the clip to form the wire as the sword of the figure. If you're satisified with it, don't forget to stick theframe with cyano (applied with a toothpick). The...
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    A rebellion in the 6th Army!!!!!

    Hi Braddinpa, Qy Yours FL soldiers are very well sculpt and paint. The details are really impressives : hands have their nails and shoes are laced well too. These "rebs" look near alive. I have KC figures but I will buy soon FL soldiers in order to compare. Yes, the price are not the same but...
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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    Yes, just famous by the name. Wait and see ! :) Faithfully Valmy
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    Napoleonic Trivia #87

    Hi Grognard, César and Victor Berthier. Have a nice WE Faithfully Valmy
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    For the South - Starlux repapired

    Hi, I've just paint this figure like a corporal of a south cavalry unit. It's a Starlux figure. Faithfully Valmy
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    May the fleas of a thousand camels...

    Looooooooooooool, excellent :cool:
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    May the fleas of a thousand camels...

    Hi Mike, I like the camel of Lawrence. I don't know how to say cheese in camel language but it' s the only one which is smiling on the picture. It's a really good dio and I like the paint sheme of your figures. The flag bearer is great. Faithfully Have a nice WE Valmy
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    US Officer during Civil War - Starlux

    First, what you need in order to repair : A ruler, a pencil, wire cutters, the piano wire, mastic (here Prince August 400), the cyanoacrylate glue (preferably gel), a fine file and a cutter. Use the sword intact figurine to draw a template with pencil. Now, from the template, it is...
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    General Washington rides up

    He looks like a "rider on a storm" with the grey sky behind him. :) Nice pictures and figures. Faithfully Valmy
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    US Officer during Civil War - Starlux

    Hi Johnny, No problem. The fair was in Bordeaux. First pictures after repair : the sheme paint for the sword is not good but I will change soon. The figure that I've repaired is the first on the left. OK for the "How to" with the good sheme paint and repair. It's not difficult...
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    Winter Russians

    Hi Firebat, I like the quality of your dios and pictures, it's really easy to work with : The proof... Translation : Whoever comes to us with the sword, will die by the sword ! Have a nice WE Faithfully Valmy
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    US Officer during Civil War - Starlux

    Hi, I' ve found this gentleman during a fair. His sword is broken. I will repair it and paint this figure like the second on the photo (better I hope so). The Starlux figures were roughly, badly and poorly paint : only face, hat or cap, feet and weapons. (here : black, red, gold, silver flesh...
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    Winter Russians

    Hi Firebat, I like this picture, it looks like CCCP propaganda during WW2. Faithfully Valmy
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    1813 - Custom trooper in campaign dress

    Hi Ruggles, I'm really happy if you appreciate these figures and many thanks for your nice compliment. I will create more of this decade even if I'm not a fan about Napoleon. I like the period for the uniforms, every countries have some very interesting units from Europe to the USA. You're a...