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  1. BeaconsAl

    Favorite quotes

  2. BeaconsAl

    Another Hero found

    Thats an interesting one Rob. It's amazing what can still turn up all these years later. I suspect there must be many more brave souls still to be discovered under the mud of France etc. Alan
  3. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

  4. BeaconsAl

    Ironman help

    Tony, Sorry mate, I did'nt realise that you were so experienced. That Sherbourne swim was like being in a washing machine. Hard for me, especially after that two hour delay. The medics told me not to do so much road running after my knee op. so I mainly stick to cycling now, generally the MTB...
  5. BeaconsAl

    Ironman help

    Tony, good luck mate. I finished the 2005 UK Ironman when it was held in Dorset/Somerset. You will get a great sense of achievment when you finish and the you will really enjoy the race atmosphere. It just requires a level of commitment to training, especially finding the time to do those long...
  6. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    CULLODEN, Battle of; 1746
  7. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    EYESIGHT -I've had mine lasered to perfection!
  8. BeaconsAl

    Rourke's Drift or Alamo....

    Oh. We would'nt mind really! Although the 24th Foot was based in Wales at that time, it was actually the 2nd Battalion Warwickshire Regiment [24th] at Rorkes Drift and they became the South Wales Borderers soon afterwards. All brave men as were the Texans. Alan
  9. BeaconsAl

    The first Christmas gifts

    That looks great. I'd love to do something similar. It sure beats tinsel and fairy lights. Alan
  10. BeaconsAl

    Napoleonics ! ~ Great way to start off 2010 !

    Great. The more Napoleonics the better.
  11. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    GANDAMAK -Last stand of the 44th Foot 13th January 1842
  12. BeaconsAl

    American sport.

    I quite enjoyed American Football when I lived that side of the pond for a while and baseball is OK. The US style football tried to get going in the UK back in the eighties but soon died a death here. Personally I'm into rugby union [though I like the league game too] and I once tried to explain...
  13. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

  14. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    DYSENTERY - killer of many a Colonial soldier
  15. BeaconsAl

    24th/41st Foot Museum

    I revisited my hometown Military Museum yesterday. [There happened to be a militaria collecters fair in town on the same day]. It's only small, but really fascinating. Zulu buffs will love it - there is a whole room dedicated to the Anglo-Zulu War including toy soldier dioramas and personal...
  16. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

  17. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

  18. BeaconsAl

    Your favourite release of 2009

    As a NAP collector I think the new Coldstreamers are fantastic. But there is not much to fault in any of the collections. I just don't think you can go wrong -Well done K & C.
  19. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    UTRECHT - Dutch City
  20. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    REMEMBERENCE Day 11/11