American sport. (1 Viewer)

Simpson & his donkey.

Sergeant Major
Feb 28, 2007
Hi guys in Australia we are getting alot of U.S sport for free on digital tv.I have grown to quite like NFL and collage football as well as baseball.I played baseball in high school and loved it and found it much easier then cricket.I had a chance at seeing the ball in flight then in cricket it hits the turf and goes any which way.NFL is like chess tactics and plays and this appeals to me.But basketball I have to give a big miss just can't get what all the hype is about.We are also getting bull riding and love that as well.I don't no why NFL has not taken off over the world as it has alot to offer.Any thoughts why American football has not travelled to alot of other countries in a big way.Do you think it's the hate American theme that has only left Gridiron in USA and Canada.Simmo.
I love NFL Simmo but i reckon the problem is alot of people dont understand the game,like you said its like chess and alot of people hate chess again dont understand the rules.If you spend the time learning both,they are both great games,nearly as good nearly i said as AFL..................:D
I have to agree with Simmo. I just don't get basketball. Just running from one end to the other. Cricket has grown on me but baseball appears boring. Have never understood NFL. If they put all that NFL talent into Rugby Union and League they would have some awesome teams.:D:D:D
Having said that I have enjoyed some US sports movies like Wild Thing, Bull Durham and Field of Dreams.
I am sure our American friends will have the same thoughts on League, Union and Cricket.
I have tried to understand NFL but just can't grasp it. Too much stopping and starting and whats with all the padding? Loose the padding and get moving about like in rugby or real football.
I still cant get my head around AFL let alone NFL so i guess i will stick with NRL :p:D
For the most part I think you enjoy the sports you watched growing up the best, I love baseball, football, basketball and hockey. The only problem the teams in Chicago this year are dreadful except for the Blackhawks.

As for soccer, I just do not get it, I have tried watching and I have gone to a few games, I understand the rules, but to me it is long and boring game. When I have watched it, I find myself, thinking pick up that @#$ ball and throw it.

I started watching NASCAR a few years ago and really enjoy it.
Baseball is my favorite, then football, and I don't really follow other sports that much. I agree about basketball, I'm not that fired up about it, especially the NBA, which is almost as much of a choreographed spectacle these days as professional wrestling. I'd prefer watching college basketball to professional, and within college, watching the Big 5 teams in Philadelphia, to some of the more storied schools. And to see the games live at the Palestra was more fun than on TV.

I can watch almost any sport, though, and appreciate the particular skill and strategy that goes into it.

And I enjoy scholastic wrestling, which is big here in Pennsylvania.

Soccer is OK, I'm still a fan of FC Bayern-Munchen, but there's something not quite right about a sport that routinely ends with a 1:0 decision, or even accepts a tie score as matter-of-fact. Someone has to win and someone has to lose, that's life.

Can't get into hockey.

I quite enjoyed American Football when I lived that side of the pond for a while and baseball is OK. The US style football tried to get going in the UK back in the eighties but soon died a death here. Personally I'm into rugby union [though I like the league game too] and I once tried to explain cricket to Americans but never bothrered again [What! It lasts for five days?!]
I think you like what you're brought up with. But I prefer to see some tactics and thought, not just that end to end stuff in basketball or hockey [sorry Wendy].


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