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  1. BeaconsAl

    LIMITED EDITION(toy soldiers)

    I think the point has been made that toy soldiers are not a business, unless of course you are a dealer or manufacturer. We collecters want to have toy soldiers to look at/ play with/ display, whatever, not sell them off. Otherwise we might as well leave them in their boxes and keep them in the...
  2. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

  3. BeaconsAl


    When I was a kid Halloween was a small celebration but now it has become a huge commercial exersise. The young kids enjoy it but some gangs of older ones in some areas go too far with the trick or treet thing and 'terrorise' the neighbourhood. Unfortunately it is also close to 'Guy Fawlkes'...
  4. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Battle of TICONDEROGA 6th July 1777
  5. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    ONEGA - Lake in Russia
  6. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    PHARYNX - a cavity at the back of the mouth [as we are doing human biology!]
  7. BeaconsAl

    K&C North West Frontier/Afghanistan

    Yes, either of these eras in Afghanistan or India would really get me interested in doing that dangerous thing of 'diversifying'. Alan
  8. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    LEXINGTON - Starting place of American Revolutionary war 1775
  9. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    IZMIR - Turkish city
  10. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    ACTIUM -Where Octavian defeated Mark Anthony and Cleopatra 31BC
  11. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    EBBSFLEET -Village in Kent England which is the traditional landing place of a Saxon army in 449AD
  12. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    TCHAIKOVSKY - composer
  13. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    RAMILLIES - [Battle of] 12th May 1706 another victory for Malborough over the French.
  14. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Ataturk - Turkish leader
  15. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Hougoumont - [Waterloo]
  16. BeaconsAl

    Accuracy, It's a Puzzlement

    Very carefully!!
  17. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Brecon - Home of the 24th Regiment of Foot - later the South Wales Borderers and Royal Regiment of Wales -also my home town!
  18. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Futtehabad [Battle of - 2nd Afghan War 2nd April 1879]
  19. BeaconsAl

    Hitler's skull

    HA HA HA HA HA - Outstanding!!
  20. BeaconsAl

    What are the Forum members reading

    I'm now reading 'The making of the British Army' by Allan Mallinson. I enjoyed his fictional books on the early 19th century character Matthew Hervey. I'm still in the early stages but it's a good general account of British army history but because of it's time span starting from the English...