Third new word game (1 Viewer)

Konigsberg, 14 June 1807, a drawn clash with the Prussians and Russians holding out in a fortified city port in East Prussia against Murat's French.

FWIW, I also recommend the use of the search function. While not manditory, it is fun (and often educational) to see new entries.
xiphoid process - a small cartilaginous extension to the lower part of the sternum
Arnhofen, 19 April 1809, a minor French/Barvarian win over the Austrians in eastern Barvaria.

Back to battles.
Neswitsch, 20 September 1812, a successful Russian raid starting a new offensive by the united armies of Torsmasov and Tchichagov that captured three standards from the Austro-Saxon-Polish cavalry. Tsar Alexander I had the standards returned to Emperor Francis I.
Kioge, 29 August 1807, a victory by Sir Arthur and a British invasion force that broke the back of the Danish land forces and preserved the seige of Copenhagen.

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