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  1. D

    Forces of Valor and swastika

    When I saw the many replies I expected a lot of people to freak out about my comment. It's good to see in which direction the discussion went. Hey Uthred your people fought in Italy? I suppose I can't stand you anymore because they probably shot my grand dad. ;) Just a joke. He returned and the...
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    Forces of Valor and swastika

    Thanks for all the info. I don't necessarlily need swastikas on my models. I was just interested if there are different versions of FOV products out there. But if anyone would ask for my opinion the swastika is just a sign with a long history and it was used a million times before Hitler...
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    Forces of Valor and swastika

    Thanks for the Info Brad but there is still the question if FOV modells sold in other parts of the world than Germany already have a swastika on them or if the guy just placed a decal afterwards.
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    Forces of Valor and swastika

    I live in Germany and displaying swastikas is mostly forbidden. None of my FOV models has a swastika on it. Now someone sells the Bf 109 G-6 (1:32) 80025 saying it is not a version for the German market and showing a swastika at the back. Can that be the truth?
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    I am looking for a complete and illustrated list of the FOV lineup

    The official website becomes worse by time and the pictures displayed there and in many online shops are sometimes far off the real look of the model. I am considering to get a BF 109 with the number 80025. I found two possible pictures that differ a lot. The second is much darker. Getting...
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    German Schwimmwagen

    Congratulation! You probably started an addiction. A few years ago I got a few models just of armor I really like. Now my room is filling with FOV models. I think I will start going for their aircrafts as well. I have the Schwimmwagen in a different painting, that I prefer to your version. 82301
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    Fov 2009 catalogue

    Indeed, I have just realized that the Tiger II has the Porsche Turret. They are really going for seldom stuff, first the faulty design Elephant now a tank that existed only fifty times.
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    Fov 2009 catalogue Here are pics of the new tanks.
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    Favorite FOV?

    At the moment it's this one.
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    Fov 2009 catalogue

    I would't expect much of their homepage. The arrangement is mixed up, a lot of things are not in the categories they should be, the information and pictures you get could be far better and new models seem to appear always later than they do in my favorite shop. As far as I can see the modells of...