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  1. Combat

    NCAA Football 2024

    I torn on this being old school. It is a great rivalry but playing only once every 20 years when they both go to the Rose Bowl means it almost never happens. I think the NCAA is going to have to set up some type of regional divisions like the NFL. USC and UCLA should not be in the Big Ten...
  2. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    The are blowing up walkie talkies today. Or in the words of the great SCTV philosophers Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok "they blow'd up, blow'd up reel good!"
  3. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    The TN Vols are adding a 10% "talent fee" price increase for tickets to sports events. I suppose fans are willing to pay it since they get a 100K for every football game but it is still shady. Why not just raise the price of tickets instead of trying to justify this? There are ever increasing...
  4. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    It would be quite a coincidence if it were not. I just wonder how they keep the terrorists from doing something similar. There must be tens of millions phones and computers that go through airport security and luggage each day. I don't have any confidence in the TSA. They will shake down a...
  5. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    The "pager" explosions are a real head scratcher. Hopefully the terrorists don't figure this out and start doing the same with phones and other devices. Perhaps no more flying with phones and computers.
  6. Combat

    N.F.L. 24-25 Season

    The way the Rams finished strong last year, I was cautiously optimistic about this season. Wrong. There are a lot games left to be played but so far, so bad. The injuries are unreal. The offensive line and now Kupp and Puka are injured. Donald retired but the Rams are still paying him $24...
  7. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    Law enforcement holding a press conference to congratulate themselves for thwarting an assassination in which they reveal that the assassin hid in the bushes for over 12 hours without anyone detecting him. And then stating that he didn't even come close to shooting the former president when the...
  8. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    Right on. These mega celebrities live in a bubble where everyone they come in contact with thinks alike. She is surrounded by sycophants whose livelihood is dependent on her. They would never contradict her. They think it is slam dunk to jump on the gravy train by espousing their opinions...
  9. Combat

    NCAA Football 2024

    USC gets Michigan this weekend. That game will answer two questions. How good is USC and how bad is Michigan after Harblow left town. That is almost an impossible place to win but this is not the same Michigan team from last year. I think Michigan's physical play at home will be the...
  10. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    The phony, fake, woke Emmy awards. I like Eugene Levy and his son but watching an Emmy category in which the nominees were Colbert, Fallon, and Jon Stewart was a bridge too far. They have practically ended late night comedy with their politically driven shows.
  11. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    Another assassination attempt in which the shooter somehow gets in proximity to the former President. Unreal. How does a guy with an AK-47 get out of his car and walk to the within a few hundred yards of the president? No one notices. I wonder if the FBI investigation of this assassin will...
  12. Combat

    NCAA Football 2024

    I wish someone told this to USC. They play LSU, Michigan, Penn. St., Washington, UCLA, ND, Nebraska, Wisconsin etc. No Kent St. or St. Mary's school for the blind.
  13. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    Particularly annoying when there is no work going on and it looks as though none will ever be done. The US is a disaster in that respect. Every airport is falling down but they have endless construction projects going on that makes it look like a war zone. I heard they spent $2 billion on the...
  14. Combat

    NCAA Football 2024

    Some disgraceful games today. TN is up 65-0 at halftime. They have almost 600 yards in offense compared to 20 for Kent St. The NCAA should penalize teams in the rankings for these mismatches.
  15. Combat

    Things that I really like

    That makes one. Maybe two if you count RFK, Jr.
  16. Combat

    N.F.L. 24-25 Season

    It's brutal to watch. His family or team should intervene or the NFL should step in for his own good and make him retire for his own health. He has made more money than he could ever spend.
  17. Combat

    Things that annoy me

    The Fox News webpage removing the public comment section of the news articles. These often contained offensive remarks but also many humorous and insightful comments about the articles. Another dumb move after requiring folks to sign up to read most articles - which doesn't function properly.
  18. Combat

    N.F.L. 24-25 Season

    I'm all for safe driving but lots of people are being murdered and assaulted because there are apparently not enough police officers in most cities. Germany has no speed limits. And there is no apparent increase in deaths. There is no cause to believe that having police officers pulling over...
  19. Combat

    N.F.L. 24-25 Season

    So the video appears to show that Hill was uncooperative and a jackarse. Still the police shouldn't be dragging people out of their cars and handcuffing them for traffic offenses. Our cities are overrun with violent criminals but the police are concerned with someone not wearing a seatbelt...
  20. Combat

    N.F.L. 24-25 Season

    I had post college football burnout yesterday, but there seemed to be a lot of boring and sloppy NFL games. I think McVay may need to consider playing some of his starters in preseason. The Rams looked very sluggish. The injuries were brutal.