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  1. King & Country

    IDF Collection

    Hi Zach, Good to hear from you again and trust you are well…The IDF is one of my favourite K&C series of figures and fighting vehicles. I’m looking forward to adding more in this new year…Both figures and another vehicle or two. All the best, Andy.
  2. King & Country

    IDF Collection

    Looks terrific my friend…Now where is your armour support and transport vehicles..? All the best and…Great display! Andy.
  3. King & Country

    Falklands revisited

    Hi Robin, more great shots of our/your ‘Falklands’ figures in action…Thankyou for that and much more! May I recommend 2 x great documentaries on the War and the battles on it… Both documentaries are about 3 and 4 hours long and very detailed. You can find them on YouTube quite easily. All the...
  4. King & Country

    Foreign legion

    Thanks Poppy, I did not recognise them. Best wishes, Andy.
  5. King & Country

    Foreign legion

    Interesting Poppy…But why in the K&C section..? All the best, Andy.
  6. King & Country

    Dreaming of A White Christmas

    Hi Guys, Here’s another different scenario for our ‘Winter Factory’ diorama. This time around the setting is somewhere in Belgium during the freezing winter cold of December 1944. The Germans have already broken through the Ardennes Forest and while some American units are falling...
  7. King & Country

    ‘Stalingrad Field Hospital

    Hi Guys, We’ve had a few requests to show the reverse side of our ‘Winter Factory’, well here it is… As you can see it’s not as detailed as the front and sides however it still allows us to utilize part of it as a German Field Hospital circa 1942 in the Russian city of Stalingrad...
  8. King & Country

    Falklands revisited

    Even more congratulations Robin on your additional ‘Falklands’ fotos!!! Keep ‘em coming my friend and…All the best, Andy.
  9. King & Country

    “Wot! No February Dispatches!!!”

    That’s a great suggestion my friend! All the best, Andy.
  10. King & Country

    kronprinz january new releases

    Beautiful work Emilio! would work well with any of our K&C ‘Pike & Musket’ range. All the best, Andy.
  11. King & Country

    The Russians Are Here!

    Hi Guys, A few days ago we completed ‘shooting’ a whole bunch of photos of a large (6’x4’) ‘Winter Diorama’ that we designed for one of our leading K&C collectors in Asia. Our collector had seen other photos of a ‘Ruined Factory’ dio Gordon had built back around 2013 and requested an...
  12. King & Country

    “Wot! No February Dispatches!!!”

    In addition here‘s a little ‘Peek Preview’ of some great looking figures that will be appearing in a few months time… plus some of their background. Israel‘s Golani Brigade The Golani Brigade is one of Israel‘s most experienced and battle-hardened units and has taken part in all of the...
  13. King & Country

    “Wot! No February Dispatches!!!”

    Hi Guys, Due to Chinese New Year and the temporary closure of all the factories K&C deal with for up to 3 weeks we’ve decided to hold our upcoming releases this month and combine them with the March ‘Dispatches’ which will be announced in… Yes, you’ve guessed it in March! In the...
  14. King & Country

    Falklands revisited

    Outstanding pix Robin…Already looking forward to more! Just leave some room on your display for a few more figures… Yesterday, I was in China and handed over my illustrations and reference material to our sculpting team for K&C’s first defending Argentinians as well as a few more attacking...
  15. King & Country

    Masters Of The AIR’ Part Ⅱ

    Hi Guys, After seeing Zach’s terrific ‘Bassingbourn’ diorama it reminded me of another great airfield dio my late brother, Gordon, built back around the early ‘teens… 2013-2015 for the ‘West Coaster Show’. If I remember correctly it measured 6’ x 4’ in 2 x sections. Here you can...
  16. King & Country

    Pacific Marines

    Thankyou Mike…I’ll drink to that! Andy.
  17. King & Country

    'Masters of The Air'

    Hi Guys, Over this weekend I have had the opportunity to watch the first two episodes of ‘Masters of The Air’…Twice! My initial impression is that the aerial and airfield scenes are superb considering the production only had just two ‘Replica B17s’ to work with plus one more static replica for...
  18. King & Country

    'Masters of The Air'

    Hi Guys, With the upcoming Apple TV series ‘Masters of The Air’ about to launch I’ve been watching both of the trailers that have been released as well as other information and interviews relating to the production… It looks amazing! Like some others I was a wee bit concerned that...
  19. King & Country

    "Blending In" and "Leaving Town"

    Ssssh! Don’t tell anyone…Let’s keep it our little secret! Andy.
  20. King & Country

    Falklands revisited

    Hi Robin, Congratulations on another fine display of British Forces making their way across the cold, windswept landscape of East Falkland….I really like the simplicity and creativity of just a few figures,,,an armoured vehicle…and the open country. Well done mate! Andy. P.S. On one of your...