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  1. Fitzgibbon

    Arnhem Knight

    The dead of night...very nice. As you said, the dirt and grass are highly credible, and the rubble is...well, out of place. Sometimes, less is more. If you took the bricks away and put a broken bucket in the dirt, you would have just enough extra interest to satisfy the viewer. It is a...
  2. Fitzgibbon

    Toysoldiers in Paris

    Hmmm. Me neither. I left my armoured car at the backpackers :) But there was plenty of temptation - some really nice pieces and some very rare pieces. I had to go next door and drool in my beer - no kidding, it was 15 and minutes before I remembered I don't drink alcohol...drew some strange...
  3. Fitzgibbon

    Oh, Crap!

    Missed that one but it's an I-can rather than an icon :)
  4. Fitzgibbon

    Oh, Crap!

    There is a good point here, but rather than make something else instead, the question is: why not more? Why not the shaving soldier? And why not the sleeping soldiers? There is a smattering of these representations across manufacturers but way less than sufficient to address the multitude of...
  5. Fitzgibbon

    Toysoldiers in Paris

    I visited Le Drapeaux de France near the Louvre in September. It is quite the Alladin's Cave for toy soldiers though nothing WWII as you say. The prices are staggering but the sheer spectacle makes the visit worthwhile. Loads of Napoleonic Figurines and many more colourful periods. And the...
  6. Fitzgibbon

    28mm Pre-painted Wargame figures

    Just brilliant
  7. Fitzgibbon

    28mm Pre-painted Wargame figures

    Hi Richard, A brave move but sound. There are plenty who play but don't paint. Games Workshop is a case in point with many staff who moonlight as figure painters. And some of us who used to paint 28mm don't have the eyes for that challenge these days. But there is something grand about charging...
  8. Fitzgibbon

    Muskets and Mohawks: Bloody Morning Scout Redux

    Chris, no sarcasm intended I assure you. As an old wargamer I am envious and this scale suits the eyes better than 28mm. Show us some more please. :)
  9. Fitzgibbon

    Small LED spotlights for a diorama?

    Model Railway accessories offer a range of small lights as do dolls house stockists. These run off mains power and are relatively inexpensive. They can be positioned over or even within your display. At this time of year, there are available (Aldi and other major outlets) any number of battery...
  10. Fitzgibbon

    Combat in Color

    Ditto. Just beautiful
  11. Fitzgibbon

    Meaning of Connaisseur-Style

    Ok. Thanks for the clarity. Art is always in the eye of the beholder :)
  12. Fitzgibbon

    The Russian Revolution and Me

    Great topic. A global event in terms of its effect. An aunt of mine was the daughter of White Russian refugees who made it to Australia.
  13. Fitzgibbon

    Club Figures

    I get that, in which case the question of why Ken should respond is the valid one - answer what?
  14. Fitzgibbon

    Meaning of Connaisseur-Style

    So, to be clear, you actually do agree about the quality of paint but think that Aeroart doesn't always get the casting right?
  15. Fitzgibbon

    Kronprinz Panzer Commanders and First Legion Armor

    Bravo! You describe the enjoyment that comes with embracing change. The ability to engage creatively with a manufacturer while staying within budget is a new facet of an ever changing hobby - and it is great fun. As an expansion rather than a replacement strategy, it is evidence of how this...
  16. Fitzgibbon

    Meaning of Connaisseur-Style

    Now that is art! Simply superb.
  17. Fitzgibbon

    Kronprinz Panzer Commanders and First Legion Armor

    What was the prize?
  18. Fitzgibbon

    Club Figures

    This may be harsh judgement but it seems valid in terms of difference in the appearance. I cannot see any collector of quality accepting that these are equivalent examples. Correct me if I am wrong but the figure on the right is a club figure; it was made to be provided gratis - that means no...