Search results

  1. RAMC

    Assult Gliders

    Wouldn't it be great if we had gliders for all the nationalities of paratroops. German gliders for Fort Eben Emael and Gran Sasso. We know K&C have an interest in Waco (Gordon holds a great Waco in this photo from the 25th anniversary Collector) and Horsa gliders. The small German glider and...
  2. RAMC

    Turkish Infantry

    Am I right in thinking that the Turks used a captured British tank as a strong point in their defences. A hull down tank with sand bags etc would make a great dio. Regards RAMC
  3. RAMC

    Napoleonic vignettes?

    Why not have ago at your own. K&C and JJ figures are great for telling stories. Regards, RAMC
  4. RAMC

    Desert Village arrived, more buildings & mystery figures.

    These would look good with a few of the Legionnaire Maroc exclusive figures for Toysoldier paris.
  5. RAMC

    Warbird idea

    Is this some sort of record 80 plus views but no comments. Or have I offended someone?:confused:
  6. RAMC

    More AK to go with Romme'ls Greif

    Still kicking myself for missing out on the Grief!
  7. RAMC

    Culloden Moor

  8. RAMC

    Warbird idea

    Just back from the West Country and while at RNAS Yeovilton saw this german painting of a captured Sword Fish flown I believe by Udet. Wouldn't it make for an interesting take on the Swordfish Warbird. Regards to all, RAMC
  9. RAMC

    Luftwaffe sets??

    Forget the Luftwaffe bring on the RAF! Guy Gibson and his comrades have been waiting since the Decenber London show. Don't remember which Frogger took the photo but thanks.
  10. RAMC

    "At the end of the day… Buy what you like and… What you can afford"

    'If you want to afford it' that is very deep. Sometimes you have to stretch the budget, sometimes you wait for a set, style of figure, period or campaign etc then you walk away as something else comes out of the blue that inspires you more. You never know whats going to grab you next or what...
  11. RAMC

    Great coats

    Just reading In the Presence of my Foes by Gris Davies-Scourfield and noticed that in many of the BEF photos that the troops either had Great Coats or Macintoshes. In the FoB series we only have the MP in a great coat but we have many germans in various ranges dressed in great coats. If we had...
  12. RAMC

    How Many People Liked The Paras With Open Chutes?:)

    British Paras on Chutes with leg bags. German paras dangled from their chutes, at least in Crete. Paras on the ground with chute would be good and drop canisters.
  13. RAMC

    Future Market Garden Sets!

  14. RAMC

    Future Market Garden Sets!

    How about a British Para giving the Famous two finger salute as he marches off to a year of hardship behind the wire.
  15. RAMC

    This IS i repeat IS a dispatches thread!

    [ Striclty Limited Baskeyfield set!;):D I'D jump at that set. Back home they've got a great statue to the man oh and Sir Stanley Matthews but we dont mention him he played for that other team. Regards RAMC
  16. RAMC

    New club figure

    Am I missing something as I can't find the single Light Horse figure listed on K&C anywhere?:confused:
  17. RAMC

    What ever happened to Chris

    You have been busy! Love the "You Walkerloo Me" shots. So is ACW the next range, not going to tap ECW market? Smaller market I admit but possibly a good market with the Sealed Knot. Regards RAMC
  18. RAMC


    Well IMHO there is one thing John does better than any other manufacturer at the moment and that is ......BOATS. Well if the Wee prince needs to make a get away then what about Flora MacDonald providing the crew rowing him to Skye. I'm guessing a six man crew, Flora and the prince disguised as...
  19. RAMC

    Collector #24 On-Line

    Please ,please, please Andy please revisit the Austin Tilley in all theatres. RAF one with a WAAF driver just to keep my poor old WO1 WRAF mother happy! She shouts like an NCO still anfter forty plusyears if shes not happy.:( Regards RAMC
  20. RAMC

    Press release -- "Australians Charge to the Front"

    Wow! I wish Andy and JJ would stop doing this to me. So much excellent stuff to choose from. This must be the golden age for collecting. Choice, quality subject matter each month things just get better and better. Who can complain now about yet another this or that. No more same old, same old...