I've never understood why so many celebrities feel the need to endorse politicians or why they think their opinion remotely counts?
.......it must be an ego thingy?
The 'de niro' rant was the icing on the cake for me!
Outstanding.......the middle east is on the brink, a massive hurricane is about to slam into Florida and Biden is off chasing elephants in Africa and Harris is enjoying cuddle time with the nut jobs on The View, chats with limp-d%#k Colbert and sit-ins with crazy Howard......what could go wrong...
.....don't forget Steve, you must also use their pronouns, otherwise you'll 'trigger' the alphabet folks and end up in the clink for using more hurty words.... :ROFLMAO:
The proliferation and over-use of orange road cones. Where once 2x cones were ok, now we have 50x, plus a sea of roadwork signs......its exhausting. :)
Thanks, I wasn't aware of this particular incident so thought I'd share it.
The period before the Dunkirk evacuation is one of chaos and survival, often overlooked and the Germans were responsible for committing many atrocities during this early faze of the war.
Western society is indeed divided, however the so called elites in our respective countries have been encouraging this for years. What better way to manage the majority by creating fear, anger and self loathing. The cancel culture of today’s society is rampant too and the void is being filled by...
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