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  1. ostrein

    Happy Birthday Obee!

    All the best wishes from germany. I hope Andy has also some nice surprises for you today in the November dispatches. Oliver
  2. ostrein

    Where to for your collection?

    Guderian said it, Wittmann said it and now Wayne said it as well! You never can have enough Tigers! {sm4} Seriously, I do believe that there're many items which haven't been done yet or where the quality will improve with the next re-release (in 5-10 years. Also there are or have been many...
  3. ostrein

    Kronprinz new releases , modelling steps

    @ Emilio - please no more pictures of your figures! I only have one job and bills to pay. It hurts to see all these great figures you're producing. {sm2} BTW, how's the new "Western" line progressing? Whats next on the US Cavalry production line? {sm3} Oliver
  4. ostrein

    Some pics of my toy collections

    I love it the way you're displaying your collection - all these small dioramas. Brilliant! {sm3} Thanks for sharing - and the ideas what to do with my collection :wink2: Oliver
  5. ostrein

    Whats in the back !!

    Great pictures / setup {sm3} The answer is very easy: "Top secret! That's the K&C November dispatches! Oliver
  6. ostrein

    Stalingrad 1942-43

    Fantastic pictures! Have you considered converting them into black/white? Thanks for sharing these with us. Oliver
  7. ostrein

    Kronprinz new releases , modelling steps

    All I can add to Gebhards reply is: {bravo}} Oliver
  8. ostrein

    Pirate completed

    Very well done. {sm3} How long did you work on this masterpiece? Oliver
  9. ostrein

    I Love A Parade

    Very nice PA. I like it {sm3} Oliver
  10. ostrein

    Got Peipp'd

    Thanks Brad - its appreciated. The photos don't do them justice. I've tried to paint them in the K&C style. They were actually second hand, bought at Berliner Zinnfiguren. Stripped the paint and started all new. Didn't know how much fun it is painting your own figures. I certainly will get...
  11. ostrein

    Ancient Egypt

    Finally I found a "Cleopatra's Royal Passage" and put the K&C Cleopatra on it. :) Oliver
  12. ostrein

    Got Peipp'd

    While visiting Dresden I came across the TS from Peipp Minaturen. I fell in love with the Barock figures and had to buy some. Only problem: I had to paint them first. I've never painted TS before but they turned out OK. Still there're 6 more to be painted and many more to be ordered. Sorry for...
  13. ostrein

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    @Konrad - congratulation to this purchase. Please post pictures ones you've setup a display. Oliver
  14. ostrein

    Order of Battle in Chicago

    Yesterday I received the # 6006 Corporal Hitler WWI trench set. It is a fantastic model. Very well done. The details are just brilliant. No offence to Joe' photos, but the orginal is looking 1000times better. @Doug - no doupt you're a very talented artist. I would love to see more of your...
  15. ostrein

    Casting copies of K&C..etc

    Very intersting thread. Thanks for bringing this up and having a discussion in a professional manner. I would like to extend the question of making copies/recasts by the matter of making copies of retired items / items which are no longer available and have been sold out? Thanks Oliver
  16. ostrein

    Order of Battle in Chicago

    Joe, thanks a lot for the pictures. Much appreciated. Oliver
  17. ostrein

    Kronprinz new releases , modelling steps

    Hi Emilio, oith new lines are looking very promising. Great work - as always {sm3} Thanks for the update Oliver
  18. ostrein

    Order of Battle in Chicago

    Please post pictures to help me get through the waiting time until I receive mine. {sm4} I do hope that Doug will release many more nice WW1 items in the future. Oliver
  19. ostrein

    My K&C Collection - SOOHK dio

    Jeff, your collection is just wonderfull. Very very nice. Thanks a lot for these awesome pictures. Oliver
  20. ostrein

    Crusades Images

    Very well done. Great conversions and very good pictures. Thanks for sharing. Oliver