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    NOR071 Waffen SS Tiger Tank Crew Figures

    Haha! Looks like King & Country circa 1999!
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    NOR071 Waffen SS Tiger Tank Crew Figures

    Aero Art WW2 figures have funny face sculpts.. Way overpriced..
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    Italians afrika ww2

    Matt - Any chance you are going to make WW2 Italians/blackshirts for Afrika Korps series? Maybe Mussolini on a his white horse.. Yes, I know im going to get laughed at on the forum..
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    Afrika Korps - PzIV f-1 modified to 15 Division late 1942

    Katana - do you have a size by size comparison of FL and 21st century AFV's?
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    Kronprinz Panzer Commanders and First Legion Armor

    Is the figure compatable with a FL AFV?
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    Size Compatibility of TCS and K&C Armor and Figures

    Please TCS, make your ww2 the same size as FiRST LEGION!
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    NOR071 Waffen SS Tiger Tank Crew Figures

    As long as there is a need foe a bino tank commander im NOT gonna let it go, MAN.
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    NOR071 Waffen SS Tiger Tank Crew Figures

    Hopefully we will get some soon, and a lot of people are pushing to get the older tank commanders re-issued..
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    RUSSTAL051 Russian T-70 Tank

    Interestily enough, some of statistics don’t have a breakdown of armour etc., that was in Stalingrad proper and opposed to what was in the outskirts of the city.. I’m inclined to think most was on the outskirts as armour didn’t do to well in the city ..
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    Photos of ETG-021

    I couldnt find the Panther in the consignment section..
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    Size Compatibility of TCS and K&C Armor and Figures

    Doubt it.. TCS WW2 Germans are taller and thicker than FL germans.. If TCS made the same size as first legion, we would have almost everything we need!!
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    Afrika Korps - PzIV f-1 modified to 15 Division late 1942

    When I had bot the Eagle Design Panzer and FL Panzer III, I put them both together and the Eagle Design was bigger,, they didn't work with each other.. Here we go again, another "scale/size" debate! :rolleyes:
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    Afrika Korps - PzIV f-1 modified to 15 Division late 1942

    Im sorry to hear that.. Im praying for you.. Do you have any of the retired gray german AFVs you would like to part with?
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    RUSSTAL051 Russian T-70 Tank

    I never said it wasn't it the battle of Stalingrad.. The point i was making the AFV is just typically wouldn't be something a miniature company would produce.
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    RUSSTAL051 Russian T-70 Tank

    This is probably not something I would have done for the Stalingrad series, but I will give Matt credit for doing something a little “outside the box”.. Good looking model..
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    Afrika Korps - PzIV f-1 modified to 15 Division late 1942

    Actually, FL needs more waking figured for both Slatkngrad and Waffen SS..
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    Size Compatibility of TCS and K&C Armor and Figures

    Too bad CS aren’t capatable with First Legion..
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    Kronprinz Panzer Commanders and First Legion Armor

    Tiger 1 without figure - Sammy is right about that one. re-release of the tankers - Katana wins that one.