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  1. Martin Tabony

    Hertage/Maison Militaire/M Tabony soldiers

    Just to let you know, I sculpted the figures.
  2. Martin Tabony

    Hertage/Maison Militaire/M Tabony soldiers

    I'm a bit late to this! They are the mounted figures from the "Ewart's Eagle" set. There should be a whole bunch of French infantry with them.
  3. Martin Tabony

    Heritage Minatures

    It's nice to see them all lined up. The last time I saw them they were on my bench.:)
  4. Martin Tabony

    Heritage Minatures

    They are limited but that's because there are only 24 hours in a day! ^&grin
  5. Martin Tabony

    The Sousaphone

    Helicon or J.W. Pepper's original?
  6. Martin Tabony

    Heritage Minatures

    I'm not sure what you mean by "No Zulu war there". That's a set of 1st King's Dragoon Guards with a Zulu prisoner.
  7. Martin Tabony

    Heritage Minatures

    Just seen this. Ken's still going with Heritage. Bit of a problem getting his new figures to him right now though. (There's a lot! ):) Martin
  8. Martin Tabony

    Sudan Campaigns

    There's a bunch more on the way :) Martin
  9. Martin Tabony

    Sudan Campaigns

    Ken sold Maison Militaire but is still producing the Heritage ranges. Lots of new stuff in the pipeline. Martin
  10. Martin Tabony

    Some Horses

    Have you tried slicing through the head and then putting in a shim? Martin
  11. Martin Tabony

    Comprehensive Catalogue of Far East WW2 range

    All those radios affect your ears? ^&grin Martin
  12. Martin Tabony

    Comprehensive Catalogue of Far East WW2 range

    Bloody infantry!:) Donkey Whalloper is any mounted cavalryman. The official nickname of The Life Guards is "The Tins" (as in "tin belly") it has also been "The Cheeses" 1st Life Guards and "Piccadilly Butchers" (changed to "Piccadilli Cowboys") 2nd Life Guards. Martin
  13. Martin Tabony

    The Royal Fusiliers Side Drummer

    I believe he is Lancashire Fusiliers with the yellow hackle. Northumberland Fusiliers wore red over white. (drums adorned with red and white roses on St. Georges day) Martin
  14. Martin Tabony

    London Toy Soldier Show December 2017 Pictures

    A little correction if you don't mind. Not ECW, a bit later, 1680s/90s. Williamite Wars e.g Battle of the Boyne. Thanks for the great photos. Martin
  15. Martin Tabony

    Reveille by R4A Glossy Cavalry etc

    The Imperial Germans interest me. It's just difficult to show the intricacies of uniform in 1/32. The wappen on I.R92 for instance
  16. Martin Tabony

    Worth watching by WW1 aircraft fans.
  17. Martin Tabony

    Household Cavalry go for a swim

    Remember RHG/D today. Thirty five years.
  18. Martin Tabony

    Hadencroft toy soldiers?

    That's a "blast from the past" Some of the first toy soldiers I ever sculpted was for HM of Great Britain. They went bust in about 1990 (owing me money!!) One of the original directors of the company, Peter Kingsland, bought everything from the receiver and restarted the company as...
  19. Martin Tabony

    Wall Gun