Search results

  1. biker3700

    Difference K&C and Hudson & Allen

    Hello. I have many buildings (desert village + farm) from K & C and I would like to know if the french houses from Hudson and Allen are made with the same material. I don't want to buy houses made with the same material as the frontline trenches. Thank you.{sm0}
  2. biker3700

    WW1 Diorama King & Country Style

    Hi from Belgium. This is my first diorama with a ww1 trench. I hope it's not to bad....{sm2} I used earth, JG items and K&C figures.{sm0}
  3. biker3700

    How many in USA, EU, others ?

    Il y a aussi des Belges..... {sm0}
  4. biker3700

    Great War Collecting Preferences

    Hi from Belgium. I collect ww1 figures since 2006. This collection is very fantastic. I have almost all the collection Britains "Premier series" ,all the collection K & C WW1 and almost all the Australian lighthorse. I have no K & C WW1 planes but I will soon receive 5 planes from the WW1 JJD...
  5. biker3700

    World War One

    Hello. I am a Belgian collector of toy soldiers from the great war. This is my Britains Premier sets collection.
  6. biker3700

    Retiring figures, an extension?

    Hello Cornwallis. I agree with you. I collect all the figures K&C from WW1 and would like to say it's now difficult for someone to finish a collection before the figures are retired. I will start end of the year the australian light horse collection and when you see how much figures represents...
  7. biker3700

    Desert Village Temple/Mosque with Minaret

    Hello Bearybones. I received my minaret friday from france. It's a very great but high item. I have not enough space to place the complete minaret so I decided to use the second part (upper part) of the minaret (and on the biggest tower) . I find the temple very beautiful with this part...
  8. biker3700

    Frontline trench

    Hello. I am more than a year waiting on the 3 last parts of the trench sections from frontline. I have the 3 first and I would like to complete my frontline diorama If anyone has got fresh news...
  9. biker3700

    A very merry christmas to all!!

    A mery christmas from Belgium (Under the snow...white christmas) to all the members of the forum. I hope for everyone a lot of new toy soldiers sets......:)
  10. biker3700

    king & country Minaret

    Thank you for your answer Bearybones. I know now that I can purchase the minaret to complete my diorama. The desert village is very great...
  11. biker3700

    king & country Minaret

    Hello from Belgium.;) I would like to know if somebody has got the temple and the minaret from the desert village. Why ? I have got the complete desert village but not the minaret because on the largest tower of the temple It's too high for my diorama (all the photos shows the minaret on the...
  12. biker3700

    What would you like to see being made in 2011?

    WW1 French soldiers at combat from K & C and also trench parts from K & C to make a great diorama... (like Frontline).
  13. biker3700

    Which K & C Set for Xmas

    Hi here's the list from a Belgian member.:) After my disappointment due to the cancellation of my train for London saturday I decided to make me a present for Xmas. It'll be the complete K & C Desert Village. The parcel should leave the French shop ( I have...
  14. biker3700

    December London show roll call!

    Hello. Because my eurostar from Brussel was suspended I am not at the Toy soldiers show today.:( I would like to go to the next show but I don't know wich from the two next shows (march of june) is the biggest. If members can give me more information.... thank you.
  15. biker3700

    December London show roll call!

    Hello. I was very happy to go to the show tomorow but my eurostar from Bruxelles is suspended. It is my first toy soldiers show, what a disaster ! I think I'll have to wait until 26/06/11..... I love snow but not if I have to go to a toy soldiers show:mad: