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  1. cement shoes

    Humbrol matte coat

    Thanks I'lll try that. Rick
  2. cement shoes

    Humbrol matte coat

    What do you thin it with? Thanks Rick
  3. cement shoes

    Humbrol matte coat

    When using matte coat what and how much of it should I use to thin it for airbrushing??
  4. cement shoes


    Whats the best type and way to prime plastic models (spray bomb or airbrush)what type would you use for airbrush and what ratio to thinner???
  5. cement shoes

    Applying decals to matte finish.

    What is the best way to apply decals to a matte finish.
  6. cement shoes

    New Bulge Hetzer

    Just recieved the BBOG05 (Hetzer). Looks good except the barrel seems to extend out at an angle (can you straighten this?) and I don't understand how your supposed to position the crewman and the MG34. It seems out of whack! Anyone else notice this?
  7. cement shoes

    Just got back from OTSN

    Did anyone take pictures of the new Bulge stuff?
  8. cement shoes


    Hey Brad, Did you find any WS 41 sets in your travels?
  9. cement shoes


    Whats the deal ??? Just heard about the new BOBA figures, and I have to say I'm pretty disapointed. How many repainted Stugs will K&C release? I was really looking forward to the new American winter armor, expecting an M5 Stuart, maybe an M36 tank destroyer or even an M26 Persching, but not a...
  10. cement shoes

    OTSN show pictures?

    I'm wandering if one of the more fortunate members of the forum attending the show next week could take some pics and post them, so us less fortunate can have a better idea of what the show has to offer. And I'm really anxious to see the new BOBA pieces!! Thanks Rick
  11. cement shoes

    Canadian War Museum

    I only recall seeing the spitfire. They may have moved the lancaster.
  12. cement shoes

    New K&C Dispatches - New Releases!

    Looks great Andy! How about the new BOBA's?
  13. cement shoes

    Canadian War Museum

    Yes, the bullet holes are from Floyd Talbert of Easy Company, 101st Airbourne. He shot at the windows to see if it was truly bulletproof, then drained the radiator before the brass claimed the car. There is a picture and story in Stephen Ambrose' book Band of Brothers.
  14. cement shoes

    New to Plastics

    Thanks for the tips guys. There is a hobby shop not far from me. $45 for 3 hr lessons on airbrushing, I might start there. Seems reasonable.
  15. cement shoes

    Canadian War Museum

    Trust me, its well worth it. Ottawa is a beautiful city.
  16. cement shoes

    Canadian War Museum

    I was in Ottawa this weekend and had a chance to check out the new War Museum. The second world war exhibit was excellent, I highly recomend it to anyone who is in the area. Hitlers parade car that was origanally captured by the 101st airbourne is the first piece on display once you enter, (I...
  17. cement shoes

    Postcards from Dunkerque series??

    Are these pieces limited?
  18. cement shoes

    ?? Panzer V ??

    Has K&C ever done a Panzer V ? How many were produced during the war?
  19. cement shoes

    War Computer Games

    I,ve played every ww2 shooter out there, and the best by far is a fps called day of defeat. It is a modification of the game halflife, so they use the same powerful engine with a ww2 theme (normandy battles). Check it out at Available only for pc, the game uses all the same...
  20. cement shoes

    New to Plastics

    Thanks Leadman, Just picked up a Badger 200-3 for $100 cnd.