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  1. F

    "Last of the Mohicans"

    Written in 1826, the book can be read on-line. There is a BBC serial of the Last of the Mohicans (1970s) --- personally, I love the BBC serial, but other do not. It was made for Masterpiece Theater. Many takes can be viewed on you-tube. The Indian camp scenes in the later chapters are very...
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    USS Bunker Hill diorama - In progress

    In November 1944, my father got a ride home on the Bunker Hill. His airgroup was being rotated out (Airgroup 15 - Essex). On November 20th, the Bunker Hill left the Ulithi Anchorage and sailed east, reaching Pearl Harbor around the November 28th. After a few days shore leave, the Bunker Hill...
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    Bunker Hill Air Groups with Reference to Corsairs

    June 20, 1944 - Battle of Philippine Sea: Only 3 Corsairs in All of Task Force 58. (US: 7 Fleet Carriers and 7 Light Carriers). All 3 on the Enterprise (CV 6 - Fleet Carrier). Often Consider the Second Largest Naval Battle in History; Marianas' Turkey Shoot; and the Last Big Carrier Against...
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    Battle on the Monongahela

    Very much enjoying this thread. The work is simply outstanding. Above link is a fun read especially if you slowly view artillery stores and the shipping list, some 360 items (9 Pages of Items). The tie between ammunition types and...
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    Muskets and Mohawks: Bloody Morning Scout Redux

    Feel free to add 1 officer of the 44th to the scene. Captain William Eyre was both a line company captain and an engineer in the 44th. With William Johnson leading the expedition against Fort Saint Frederic, Braddock had reassigned Eyre to Johnson's Expedition - so Eyre was not at Monongahela...
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    New Releases For November 2017 - The Conquest Of America

    Hirst Art Molds, Very Useful Here and actually very easy to mold.
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    Monthly Roster of 35th Regiment Foot; One month after the Siege of Fort William Henry

    Notice the company sizes and the number of lieutenants and sergeants per company. The grenadier company is under Captain Ince, the Company in the Fort under Captain Ormsby. The other 35th companies are in the Entrenched Camp (5 companies, very much like the Ticonderoga log walls), or at Fort...
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    Monthly Roster of 35th Regiment Foot; One month after the Siege of Fort William Henry

    Monthly Roster of the 35th Regiment of Foot from September 1757; one month after the Siege of Fort William Henry in August 1757 Having a ton of trouble edit this, only my written text is appearing.
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    John Jenkins Chicago Toy Soldier Show Treasure Hunt 2017

    I haven't read Drums along the Mohawk in many years, I will need to get a copy. Plus there was the wonderful film. Personally, I am hoping for many civilian and militia poses, especially militia marching, cattle and maybe axe men for road building. I know they had scene in the movie where...
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    FIW Repaints

    You guys amaze me, here I am with a brilliant plan but simply afraid to act, just need to change the lace band on the tricorner hats on the New Jersey Blues from gold to white and you have Virginia marching to the Monongahela!!!!!! Simply outstanding work!!!
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    New Releases for September 2017 - The Second World War

    I am still firmly in the 18th Century. But if an Essex Class Carrier is released, it will be extraordinarily difficult not to collect and my posts will be long and detailed. For example: Did you know that, as it regards the Avenger Torpedo Bombers, the only difference between the...
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    March on PA

    Wonderful Scene and Brilliant Idea of Fall Colors, very much appreciate the posting. If you have any of the 60th Marching Sets, those could be easily added or the earlier BM Virginia Sets under the umbrella of the successful 1758 Forbes Expedition, Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh). As it regards...
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    Very well done. The trenchwork is a perfect match for the somber mood so visible on the figures.
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    WTB Jenkins Monongahela BM-04

    Hello Everyone, Looking for 3 sets of BM-04 to complete my display. But will buys single sets. Please send private tell. Thanks. Fraxinus
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    A Gathering of Eagles - THE MOVIE

    Very nice indeed!!!!
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    Braddock's Defeat

    Most excellent!!! Thanks so much for posting.
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    British Cannonball uncovered in Quebec City

    Sounds like it is a shell from a 13-inch mortar, not a cannonball which would be solid shot.
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    Will Conte Rogers Rangers figures work size wise with WB Clash of Empires figure ?

    It very much depends on who sculpted the Conte figures, the earliest releases of the Conte Rangers and Indians are among the best figures ever, and then some of the latest are not nearly as nice. In all likelihood, just different people doing the actual art work. The early Indian figures can...
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    In search of 18th century bastion Built linked above plus others if you search for bastion fort
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    In search of 18th century bastion TM Terrain Built this bastion model of Fort William Henry. The model is incredibly precise and follows the "standard map" used is most histories of Fort William Henry. Compare the original and the finished model from above...