Search results

  1. P

    New Releases for April 2024 - American Civil War

    Most federal cavalry units carried the Stars and Stripes swallowed tail guidon. I’m thinking John will make several different units that were at Brandy Station and may offer up other flag choices that could go with the figures with the yellow trim. For example the 1st Maine. I could also be way...
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    New Releases for April 2024 - American Civil War

    Here is the pre war print
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    New Releases for April 2024 - American Civil War

    Here is the the print he did for the 2nd Cav trumpeter. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do either. I might just stay with the regular yellow trim figure. However I’ll probably end up getting both! Lol
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    New Releases for April 2024 - American Civil War

    The 2nd U.S. were allowed to keep their orange trimmed jackets until stock ran out. The orange trim goes back to pre war when dragoon jackets were trimmed in that color. There is evidence that a lot of the jackets were still in use up until 1863. Hope this helps! Travis
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    News Update February 5th, 2024 - American Civil War

    A real scholar????
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    News Update February 5th, 2024 - American Civil War

    There is documentation that troopers did have their sabers while dismounted. It’s actually in the manual. A lot of saber drill was done dismounted. I couldn’t get the link to work, but please check out the 11th OVC in YouTube. They are a wealth of Civil War Cavalry knowledge. Trav
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    Any word, on the 2024 show in San Antonio? I heard the Menger was not an option next year. Travis
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    JJD 11NY Fire Zouaves and JEB Stuart

    Hello all, I have the following John Jenkins figures for sale from the 1st Manassas range. All the sets have their respective boxes and the figures have only been on display since I purchased them. Asking $670.00 for all. Can provide photos upon request. Thanks for looking! Travis 11NY-01...
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    King and Country Alamo facade

    Hi All, Looking to get my hands on the now retired King and Country Alamo facade. Please message me if you can help me out. Thanks! Travis
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    New Releases for September 2019 - The Eighteenth Century Collection

    Man, I love this range! Super excited to see the 62nd Foot! I hope John does other actions of the Saratoga Campaign. I would love to see some Brunswick Dragoons that fought at Bennington or the 24th Foot! If anyone hasn't yet, you should pick up Don Troiani's new book on Saratoga. Amazing...
  11. P

    W.Britain Rorke's Drift Store House

    I have the following items for sale. All come in in original packaging. Some of these items are hard to find now. Asking $350.00 for the lot. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message me. Shipping within US only. Thanks for looking, Travis
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    W. Britain Rorke's Drift Storehouse

    Looking to get my hands on the W. Britain Rorke's Drift Storehouse. #20047. If anyone has any leads or one for sale, please message me on here or send me a pm. Thanks you! Travis
  13. P

    Yorktown playlet character figures

    I wrote both of them and got a reply from Ken stating that he would pass on the message. I was concerned at first as well. According to Ken, he seemed to think there were a fair amount of sets left to pre-order. That’s as of last Friday when I received the email from Ken. Travis
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    77th annual MFCA Show and Mart-May 4th & 5th, 2018

    I just made my reservations! This is my first time attending this show. Excited to see John and what he has planned for his Drums Along The Mohawk series. Also looking forward to meeting some of the Treefroggers there. Travis
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    Personality Figure Suggestions

    How about these? General Charles Gordon Muhammad Ahmed (The Madi) General Garnet Wolseley
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    Clash of Empires

    I really like the Bushy Run sets! I love the highlanders! However, I also wish they would do more AWI. I was very excited when WB released figures surrounding the Boston campaign. I would have liked to seen more figures from the 10th regiment of foot. Troops from the New York campaign would also...
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    This is very exciting! Between W.Britain's Bushy Run sets and now John's, one can set up a very impressive display! Travis
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    Barzso AWI figures and Bridge

    Items have been sold. Thank you
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    Conte Alamo plastic/pewter/foam

    Items have been sold. Thank you
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    Conte Alamo plastic/pewter/foam

    I have a for sale the following Conte Alamo items. 95 light blue round hat Mexicans 78 light blue shako hat Mexicans 32 dark blue shako hat Mexicans Col. William Travis in brown pewter General Santa Anna light blue pewter met on white pewter horse Tex clubbing Mexican off ladder Tex...