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  1. C

    Help Identifying Indian on Horseback

    Thank You folks. I did see something similar to a Barclays, just a little different and a bit smaller. Could be japan.
  2. C

    Help Identifying Indian on Horseback

    Hello Folks, I have this indian on Horseback with a rifle that I cannot identify. Similar to a Barclay's BAC but not quite. It measures a little less than 3 inches across and about 2 1/4 inches high. Thanks in advance....Clutch
  3. C

    Possibly a McLaughlin Cavalry?

    Thank You for the information. The Obrien book I have is Edition 3. Looks like I should get the 4th..
  4. C

    Possibly a McLaughlin Cavalry?

    Thank You Folks, it measures about 3 inches high by 2 1/2 inches across. I thought it was solid until I noticed this on top of the Horses Head between the ears. If it is Heyde, it would not be American made would it as it is not listed in Richard Obrien's book? Thanks again Clutch....
  5. C

    Help Identifying Cavalry Officer

    Hello Folks, I recently acquired this I think finely done Cavalry Officer and Horse. Saddle is rubber. Does anyone have any information on a possible maker and age? Thank You....Clutch
  6. C

    Possibly a McLaughlin Cavalry?

    Hello Folks, I recently picked up this Mounted Cavalry Officer. Looking in Richard Obrien's book, it looks similar to the McLaughlins except it doesn't have the 2 indents on the base that I believe McLaughlins have. Can someone possibly identify the Maker and Variety? Thank You....Clutch
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    Unknown Lead Soldiers

    Thank you very much. So if I am understanding correctly, these are from German companies like Schneider and Ideal that sold molds to primarily home homecast made with German molds?
  8. C

    Unknown Lead Soldiers

    Hello, I recently acquired alot of lead soldiers, cannons, cavalry etc.. They are not painted and not marked and look to be solid. I have attached some pictures. Does anyone have any ideas as to the maker and how old they could be? Thank You.
  9. C

    Black Watch of Canada Pewter

    Hello Folks, I wasn't sure where to post this one. It is a Pewter figure of the Black Watch of Canada that is 3 inches tall. On the bottom it says Royal Canadian Military Heritage Productions, Brantford Ontario. Division of Ray Anguish Productions. I am unable to find any information on this...
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    Unknown Maker

    These 3 figuresare not marked. Anyone have any ideas as to what they are or possible at home re-casts? Thank You Cluth Cargo.
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    Unknown Britain Piper

    Hello Folks, thisfigure is marked Britains on the bottom. Any ideas as to identifiation of this Piper? Thank You.....Clutch
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    Made in Wales Identification

    2 more in this mixed lot. 2 I think finally painted figues. On the bottom, I can't make out who they are made by, but, I can see made in Wales. Any ideas on the maker? Thank You....Clutch Cargo
  13. C

    Ducal Soldiers

    Thank You so much. Very Interesting. Unfortunately I do not have a box. Just the Drum Major and 6 musicians. I have attached 3 more pictures. The bearskins do not have a mark on any of them, from the information you folks have previously supplied, I think that makes them all Scots Guards. Now...
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    Ducal Soldiers

    Thank you so much. Very helpful. Here is a side picture. Looks exactly like one of the ones in johnnybach's picture. Does this narrow it down?
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    Ducal Soldiers

    This lot I acquired keeps turning up all kinds of surprises. I have 7 Ducal Figures I am hoping someone can provide some information for. They are definately Ducal as marked on the bottom in one ofthe pictures. There are 7 figures. Can someone identify what variety they are, and if so, how many...
  16. C

    Calvary Soldier and Horse Identification

    Thank You so much for the information. I have 4 mounted Calvary. The first picture has 2 and both the rider and horse have the CHA tag on the bottom. The second picture has the other 2. The rider and horse on the left have the CHA tag. The one on the right does not. Does O'Briens "Collecting Toy...
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    Calvary Soldier and Horse Identification

    Hello, I recently acquired quite a mixed lot of toy soldiers. Some folks on this forum were very helpful with some Britains. In this same lot are 3 very nice Calvary Soldiers on Horseback. I believe they are solid, not hollow. I have attached a picture of 1 soldier and horse. All three soldiers...
  18. C

    Please Help Identify Britains?

    That might be it....Britains recast. Very interesting information. Thank You.
  19. C

    Please Help Identify Britains?

    Thank You very much. Most of the lot are the Britains West Point Marching Cadets Summer Dress. I have attached pictures of 2 of the Musicians. They are the same size and look to have the same uniform. As can be seen in the pictures, unlike the marching cadets, they are not marked on the bottom...
  20. C

    Please Help Identify Britains?

    Thank you Johnnybach that helps a lot. Strange thing is that there are some playing bugle or drums. These are not marked on the bottom. Uniforms and size are the same.