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  1. FirstLegion

    Tank rider pic

    Very good figures. Amazing pics. Well done!
  2. FirstLegion

    Winter Jagdpanzer IV Diorama

    Thanks, really appreciate the kind words. Now that I''m constantly back in China and seeing everything in person again before release, you can expect this quality moving forward on everything we make. During the China closing of COVID, it was just impossible and the reality is that factories...
  3. FirstLegion

    First Legion WW2 Kharkov SS Germans

    Well, we're not. You're talking about a company started by FL collectors that exists to essentially emulate our entire style figure making, hence why i thought it funny. Anyway, 'nuff said on this, won't comment further on it. As for Americans and British, we actually do have plans to...
  4. FirstLegion

    First Legion WW2 Kharkov SS Germans

    Well, in fairness, one could argue the entire german army on the east front was disgusting. It was a disgusting and horrific war. The Russians in '45 weren't saints either, but no one seems to take issue with them....Stalin in the '30s might have been the most disgusting of all, again, no...
  5. FirstLegion

    Winter Jagdpanzer IV Diorama

    Just to clarify - they are not one piece. Yes, the rack is assembled to the tank, the tracks are not.
  6. FirstLegion

    Winter Jagdpanzer IV Diorama

    I've heard one other customer contact us about this issue and we told him to just reverse it which he was able to do without any issue.... But it's good to know as i will be inspection NOR101 in a week or so and i will be sure that the tracks on the front are a) not glued and b) correct. Matt
  7. FirstLegion

    Winter Jagdpanzer IV Diorama

    Revisiting this again - you know, we're quite proud of this model. It's an incredibly difficult model to produce/paint and i think we did it about as well as it can be done. Yes, i know some folks were disappointed with BB069, but this isn't that. These photos show you exactly what you...
  8. FirstLegion

    First Legion WW2 Kharkov SS Germans

    Well, then you certainly won't like our Kursk series which features the 3 different Waffen SS divisions very heavily..... Hey, at least no hitler figures to date! But with military history, gotta make what was there...
  9. FirstLegion

    First Legion WW2 Kharkov SS Germans

    Emulating War Park? That's funny.... You flipped the script. We've had these sculpts done for about 3 years now....
  10. FirstLegion

    First Legion WW2 Kharkov SS Germans

    The figures "in hand" are far better than what the photos show. I know because i saw the images a few months ago and saw the figures in person end of May and was shocked how good they are. :) I will be doing inspection on these in about a week and i promise, they will be at least as good as...
  11. FirstLegion

    Winter Jagdpanzer IV Diorama

    Love to see this model "out in the wild" as it were. The spare tracks can just be taken out and flipped, i don't think they're glued really. Will have to admonish them for this.....
  12. FirstLegion


    Yeah, apologies about this. We were having issues with our email server and part of the solution required moving our domain management from one administrator to another. Part of that process required validating the changes by email. And i muffed it up because I moved the domain prior to...
  13. FirstLegion

    My opinion on French old guard foot artillery future release.

    Thanks for the feedback. I as well typically prefer a more "campaign" style dress for most Napoleonic French - and i think that is exhibited through most of our releases. However, at Borodino, the Old Guard wore Parade Dress (Wagram as well) and those are some of the Battles these figures are...
  14. FirstLegion

    New First Legion Jagdpanzer IV LW035 opinion

    I think this is fair to some extent, but remember, when we released that model we were unable to physically inspect it in person following the production and are also now using far more metal parts in the models. If you liked the M10's, you'll like this new Jadgpanzer IV. The painting is...
  15. FirstLegion

    At Rest in the Desert

    Or ours is 1/30th and there's are 1/31st. ;) Great Dio by the way!
  16. FirstLegion

    First Legion Forthcoming Releases

    Again, great dio Louis. Is that an FL Winter Sherman on the top right?! If so, you're one of like 50 people in the world to have one......I'm not even sure i have one. Hard to tell from the image if it's FL though....
  17. FirstLegion

    First Legion Forthcoming Releases

    Wow that's a great dio. Ken makes such great terrain.
  18. FirstLegion

    New Items Now in Stock!

    Yes, we expect to turn out a LOT more products this year than the last few pandemic / pandemic hangover years. I am now back in China monthly personally inspecting products, so expect quality improvements as well. The latest group of figures - ROM gladiators, M10's, FPW Prussians, DAK Panzer...
  19. FirstLegion

    First Legion Forthcoming Releases

    Hard no on this one unfortunately.
  20. FirstLegion

    Is War Park and First Legion still in business?

    ^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin Silly person.