Zach's Collection (4 Viewers)

Please DO NOT shut down ZB Lang's collection thread that all members here are envious of and who secretly wish ZB puts them in his will...including me...HK Fire brigade ZB...wink, wink.

You see ZB thats why I like you man, your response is exactly what I though you would say. I had a contractor (hill billy type) blow up on me one time about protestors burning the American Flag. I don't know how the debate came up, but he was "you would not do anything about it? You who is a vet would not whoop some butt over it?" I was like "yeah, I would just keep walking". He was flabbergasted and somewhat disappointed that I would not go in to detail how I would torture some protester at a college (or where ever) who was burning the American Flag. I told him that the guy has rights, freedoms and if he wants to spend his afternoon with gasoline, a lighter and some clothe go ahead, but uh I'm hungry and there is some fajitas somewhere with my name on it. He did not like the answer, but I really did not care as I too would fight (and have) fight for his rights that he is entitled to as an American...protestor or not or hill billy or not.

Yeah, this book I am reading now Hitlers Children that was a Phd dissertation turned book is killing me. But, now I am finally getting a clear understanding of how the SS (separate from the Army) kept their ranks full of young, brainwashed knuckleheads. It is an exhausting read that has a table with all the different organizations of the who and what that funneled the kids into the ranks of the SS. But make no mistake there huge factions of Army that knew what was going on. I also just finished a study on the German POW camps here in Texas. There were ALOT of them and the majority of POW's came out of the Africa campaigns early in the war. They became migrant workers and helped Texas farmers pick and plant crops here in Texas due to the labor drain. After the war, they showed newsreels to the POW's of the concentration camps and those soldiers cried at the shocking images. Soon after they shipped all those guys back to Germany and the majority of them did not want to go back.

Oh yeah, there are ALOT of Hans Landa's out there and I got no sympathy for them and what I am finding out is there are even MORE Hitler Youth still around. Ugh, creepy.

John from Texas
I don't currently have any Nazi figures, but I have always wanted to make a diorama of this one story that an Israeli friend related to me from his mother, who survived the Holocaust. I won't go into detail here, but it involves a Russian tank and a sadistic SS guard at a recently-liberated concentration camp.
I don't currently have any Nazi figures, but I have always wanted to make a diorama of this one story that an Israeli friend related to me from his mother, who survived the Holocaust. I won't go into detail here, but it involves a Russian tank and a sadistic SS guard at a recently-liberated concentration camp.


This I GOT TO HEAR...can you PM the story?

This just might be some of the craziest painting I have seen, but you know me and my Israelis - gotta buy it all!
These are Alymers 20mm Israelis:

AeroArt's Charlemagne.


Mongol Standard Bearer:
I love this figure - the paint on the robe is really wonderful in person



Papal Legate LePuy
The personality on this figure is amazing - these pictures really don't do this figure justice. Possibly my new favorite (if he was a Nazi sympathizer, please don't tell me! {sm3} )


Papal Legate LePuy
The personality on this figure is amazing - these pictures really don't do this figure justice. Possibly my new favorite (if he was a Nazi sympathizer, please don't tell me! {sm3} )

Adhémar de Monteil, bishop of Le Puy ( en Velay )

Beautifull piece, but as he is french, his cross must be red (IMO)
The Papal Legate was undoubtedly anti semitic, as most Catholics were then. Moreover, he led the knights of the first Crusade. When Jerusalem was captured in 1099, almost the entire population was killed.

Nice figure though!
Btw, love the Charlemagne and Hadrian figures. You lot may make me poorer ^&grin
Before anyone shuts this down - as this thread is about my collection, i want it clear that I am A-OK with this discussion being in here


I wont shut down the thread because of some discussion on Nazis and what happens or happened to them, justice or karma will win out... Its an interesting thread and the small side discussions are as interesting as the photos of the figures you are sharing.

Thanks Dave. Just wanted to be sure you all knew I am a-ok with side tracks
Sorry these pictures are such garbage - just used the iphone at work...

I don't really know what the guy with the dog is. I'm assuming some sort of Napoleonic British Officer (if you know, let me know).
The other one is from EK castings, painted by "The MTS Collection" in Russia. It is Grand Master of Attillery, Europe 14th Century


Pictures are fine. Nice additions. Yes, he's a British officer. Maybe he's supposed to symbolize the military version of John Bull.
Since I already teased it in the "what else do you collect thread", I might as well share a sneak peak....

This is a commission that been ongoing for quite some time. I'll be picking up the finished piece in Chicago at the World Expo.
I forget who posted the picture, way way back, of Jules Verne sitting in his study reading with the giant squid climbing the walls of his study, but i absolutely fell in love with it. I did some research and found the painter who did it. I contacted him and we started brainstorming for a Melville / Moby Dick commission.

This is the piece that is the result of much discussion. The painter and the brains behind the project is Ben Komets - a brilliant artist from Germany. The sculpture was done by Lucas Pina Penichet from Spain. I am absolutely thrilled with it!

So, as a teaser until this summer - here is a picture of the unpainted sculpture....

Moby Dick Project - Ben Konets-Lucas Pinichet.jpg
I think this will be brilliant. I can't wait to see the final result.
Figured I'd start adding pieces here and keep all my stuff in one place. By request, here are some pictures of my prisoner of war models. Not the detail of some toy soldiers, but considering they were made by prisoners out of scraps of bone and the like, I'd say they're pretty darn good {sm4}
(don't mind the pink background - that's just insulation board you could see them better in the photos)

The first is a cannon set and the second a model of the US frigate President (1/150th scale) 1799-1817 - she was the sister ship to the Constitution








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