‘K&C’s D.DAY’ June 6, 2019 (1 Viewer)

Good idea Andy might as well do some other beach debris as well


Agree with you, good idea on K & C part, multiple use figures, which opens up to a broader [if slight] market and dio usage. Would like another Bunker.......... or development of a German defensive position in the same way K & C did the excellent AK sandbag group and the EA and BBA sandbag sets.
I respect everyone ‘s opinions, but gas masks and flotation belts or not, it makes absolutely no difference to me, I’m simply thrilled with this upcoming release!! From Point du Hoc and Omaha beach all the way into Germany, they are great figures to be used in countless scenarios and dioramas!
I'm wrapped they haven't as now they can be used off the beach as well once they have dumped the flotation belts,good choice by K&C IMO.
Hi Guy,
I pondered the issue of having the guys wear the flotation belts and gas mask bags for a while ... but in the end decided to 'ditch' them so that these soldiers could also be used in a multitude of different scenes on dry land.

Also, it's interesting to note that there are many reports in D.Day books that the real troops themselves 'ditched' both items as quickly as they could after landing and the beaches were littered with them.

Maybe K&C might do little piles of them...What do you reckon..?
Best wishes and happy collecting,

Very good idea Andy, I know these items were very annoying for the troops to wear and that they got rid of them as soon as they could.
Little piles of beach debris and other equipment always comes in handy .I say YES !!!!
Hi Guy,
I pondered the issue of having the guys wear the flotation belts and gas mask bags for a while ... but in the end decided to 'ditch' them so that these soldiers could also be used in a multitude of different scenes on dry land.

Also, it's interesting to note that there are many reports in D.Day books that the real troops themselves 'ditched' both items as quickly as they could after landing and the beaches were littered with them.

Maybe K&C might do little piles of them...What do you reckon..?
Best wishes and happy collecting,

great idea Andy! 😁👍 if you then mix the new Rangers with those from 2004/2005 you will have a beautiful diorama,with a beach full of equipementa

Hi Guy,
I pondered the issue of having the guys wear the flotation belts and gas mask bags for a while ... but in the end decided to 'ditch' them so that these soldiers could also be used in a multitude of different scenes on dry land.

Also, it's interesting to note that there are many reports in D.Day books that the real troops themselves 'ditched' both items as quickly as they could after landing and the beaches were littered with them.

Maybe K&C might do little piles of them...What do you reckon..?
Best wishes and happy collecting,

Andy if you could do discarded belts and gas mask bags that would be awesome!

Many of the belts actually resulted in men drowning as they wore them round their waists and when inflated it made the men top heavy and they drowned. They were never shown how to use them and should have been placed under their armpits and around the chest.

Very glad to see more Rangers. It took me a couple of years, but about 8-10 years ago I managed to gather all of the 2nd Ranger sets to go with an LCA and LCVP that were released around that time. Such great pieces.
It's D-DAY now .......

when's H-HOUR for DISPATCHES ???????

Btw, D-Day, can anyone tell me what year this character is?

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This is a D Day paratrooper from K & C, DD072 Paratrooper with Walking Horse. if you google US Para D Day Horse there are some pictures of Paras who used horses which they 'found' after landing. Also if you watch the Band of Brothers series, in the drama Series 1 Episode 3 attack on Carentan there is a para messenger using a horse. Using captured German cavalry horses some American paras conducted mounted patrols in their area.

It is a nice figure, quite an old one but still works well with other sets such as DD071 Horse Paratrooper. This GI also carries a captured Schmeisser MP.

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