“Books & Shows” (4 Viewers)

The dinner we have each year with Andy and a 'Bricks and mortar' are our 'show' I guess and it is right about the social advantage of this as the friendships that have resulted from a common interest are great. As to Jack knowing any gentlemen who would accompany him to London Rob the answer is no as he knows only dodgy characters.......:wink2:

It is true that the dinner is our 'show' but as it is smaller it is still possible to say 'it is what you make it'. We can book a table, visit the shop before the dinner, ask Andy for more Aussie figures, talk Treefrog etc in a way that a larger show might not alow. What we do miss out on is the range of figures. You do not collect glossies but I would love to see some of the smaller manufacturers that set up a stall at the shows. That said, as we have shown with the dioramas, neccessity is the mother of invention. If you want expanded options, you may need to take steps to expand you options. We are lucky to have a bricks and mortar store to build a group around. Is it the guys in California who have formed a group and they visit each other homes for 'viewings'? Ideas like that are great and perhaps manufacturers - particularly the smaller players - might look to make links with those kinds of ad hoc groups. Any glossy manufacturers want a contact person in Brisbane?
You can i.d. forum participants. I got some tips before I went from experienced Chicago veterans. Scour the Treefrog Forum threads for photos of past shows and get-to-gethers. That way you will get to recognize some faces. Wear a Treefrog pin and lookout for others wearing them. Make rounds of the manufacturers and dealers rooms because that's where people cluster. And don't forget the bar. :) Once you have met a few people, they will introduce you to more than you will be able to remember. The best days to meet people are Thursday, Friday when the hardcore collectors show up and it isn't so crowded.


Terry ,

Are you planning on making the trek to the Chicago show in 2014 ? Depending on my work schedule i may only be able to make it on Sunday...I'll buy you a shot & a beer !

Money permitting, I will be there this year, not so much for the soldiers as for the camaraderie, although I was pretty happy with my pickups from last year.

As far as hardcore, the only hardcore person I know is the Vulture :wink2:

as a 9 year vet to the chicago show i have seen a decline in the show year to year yes as it is fun to walk the rooms and be social and meet the manufactures, you will learn after time there is also a negative vibe within the hobby with certain groups of collectors and manufactures that attend. I am not saying its not fun and there is alot of good people in the hobby,just saying for new guys attending beware of some of the going ons that occur and i respond to this post because i question the word "friendships" here so it begs the question is this about just bringing more money to the shows or a particular manufacturer??? not trying to stir the pot just my personal opinion on my dealings as i do chicago, every year the west coaster, valley forge, london and all the jersey shows.
as a 9 year vet to the chicago show i have seen a decline in the show year to year yes as it is fun to walk the rooms and be social and meet the manufactures, you will learn after time there is also a negative vibe within the hobby with certain groups of collectors and manufactures that attend. I am not saying its not fun and there is alot of good people in the hobby,just saying for new guys attending beware of some of the going ons that occur and i respond to this post because i question the word "friendships" here so it begs the question is this about just bringing more money to the shows or a particular manufacturer??? not trying to stir the pot just my personal opinion on my dealings as i do chicago, every year the west coaster, valley forge, london and all the jersey shows.

Couldn't disagree more. My main driver these days for attending the shows is purely the social side. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing all the TS's laid out in front me as it is in London, its great to see them all like that, but when it comes down to it I can order anything I want online and save on the train fare if I wanted. Nope, I go because of the the 'Band of Collecting Brothers ' and real friends I've made over the years at the shows. It's fellow collectors that all meet in the bar at lunchtime, it's the producers and suppliers such as the Neville's, Andy, Clive, John Jenkins and so many others. It's the human aspect of sharing this hobby that makes it so good. The likes of Simon, Jeff, James, Andy, Bob, Glyn , the guys from the Dutch Brigade (Steve,Harrie,Richard) and every year visitors from Australia or America and all points east join us.

If I put away my toy soldiers tomorrow and never purchased another I'd still go up to London for a drink with my mates....of course I'd have to buy myself because none of them like me{sm4}

Could not imagine this hobby being a fraction of the fun if I was just stuck behind the pc. Any of you thinking of visiting the London will be sure of a warm welcome and a drink in the bar.....don't forget your wallet!:wink2:

Could not imagine this hobby being a fraction of the fun if I was just stuck behind the pc. Any of you thinking of visiting the London will be sure of a warm welcome and a drink in the bar.....don't forget your wallet!:wink2:


...........because you can bet that someone else will have........^&grin

Echo everything Rob says (apart from the not liking him bit - even if he has caused us to be barred from half of the London drinking establishments)
...........because you can bet that someone else will have........^&grin

Echo everything Rob says (apart from the not liking him bit - even if he has caused us to be barred from half of the London drinking establishments)


I don't care what the barmaid say's about you, I think you're a gentleman!^&grin

like i said this is my personal opinion on my dealings i am glad you have had a great time at the shows , its unfortunate i cannot discuss details of my issue as i would be tossed off the forum. didnt say it was all bad good for you that it was positive.
like i said this is my personal opinion on my dealings i am glad you have had a great time at the shows , its unfortunate i cannot discuss details of my issue as i would be tossed off the forum. didnt say it was all bad good for you that it was positive.

Very sorry to hear that, is there no way at all you can talk about it without getting in trouble?

Very sorry to hear that, is there no way at all you can talk about it without getting in trouble?


i was trying to give a heads up from my own years experience with the shows i never want to put people out there on a personal level but i have been wronged in a big way and some who are reading this are aware of it.I am taking the high road because the forum is a nice place to share stories and make friends and i dont want to ruin this thread just calmly saying sometimes buyer beware also on people and deals you make and who you think your friends are. trust me i still feel strongly about the hobby and certain people in it and will continue to collect on.Its a great hobby to all enjoy.
I am feeling kind of guilty. I am only an hour flight away from the Westcoaster from my home in California and a 20 minute drive from my home to the Texas Toy Solider Show in San Antonio. Not to mention the fact that from my home in California I am only a 10 minute drive away from Sierra Toy Solider and again only a 20 minute drive to Kings X from my home in San Antonio.

Lucky sod....^&grin. We've got nothing like that down here in NZ and no hobby stores that stock TS other than the usual plastic kits, trains, planes and automobiles. Pretty much all things TS has to come from off shore, unless you collect glossy "Imperial" or "Soldiers of the World/Regal" figures.

All I can say is thank goodness for those dodgy Aussie's and a certain dealer from across the 'ditch'....:salute::
hi guys,

elsewhere on the forum the subject of bookstores came up and, alas, the demise of many of them.

It got me thinking and comparing them to “toy soldier shows” of all things. there are some similarities…

a while back, after the last chicago show there was quite a debate about how good or bad that particular show was.

Quite a few of the negative remarks about the show were from guys who never even attended the event! Others were from those who had a convenient excuse for not going or did not want to spend the money on travelling and accommodation –understandable perhaps. some commented that with the internet now, toy soldier shows were irrelevant and unnecessary.

Speaking personally, toy soldier shows (like real, live bookstores) are about the total experience. They are a lot more than just buying and selling toy soldiers. It’s about the friendship, the camaraderie, the sheer joy of meeting up again with old friends (and making new ones) and, for a few days being a little boy again. From early in the morning till late at night it’s laughing, joking, crying (when you’ve missed out on that long looked for set) and just hanging out with a bunch of guys that enjoy what you enjoy.

That’s just a few of the many reasons the outpouring of love and genuine affection a lot of us felt for larry lo has been so spontaneous. I met larry at toy soldier shows and at louis’ symposium many times. I’ve been just as fortunate to meet other great guys over the years at shows and events. That’s why i would urge as many of you as possible to get up out of your seats and make a real concerted effort to attend a toy soldier show.

Sure the internet is useful but it’s no substitute for the “real live thing”…an honest-to-goodness toy soldier show. The “west coaster” is now just a few weeks away –if you can, don’t miss it!

best wishes and…hope to see some of you there.

andy c.​

andy, very very very well said. The camaraderie is great and i attended the sunday show this year as i am usually only there wens-friday and it was great to see the magic of all the toy soldiers around. I could not think that anyone would not have been impressed walking down manufactures row. I can make one suggestion and that is that they run more local advertising. Between chicago, milwaukee and nw indiana i bet there are 20 million people in the area to reach out to. It's a great time and you can catch a cub game in wrigley field while you are there or go into the city to see the fabulous uboat they have on display at the science and industry museum. There is a tour thru the boat and they have a tropical stuka along with a spitfire hanging from the ceiling. Great time and great people so i hope you all can make it in 2014
Lucky sod....^&grin. We've got nothing like that down here in NZ and no hobby stores that stock TS other than the usual plastic kits, trains, planes and automobiles. Pretty much all things TS has to come from off shore, unless you collect glossy "Imperial" or "Soldiers of the World/Regal" figures.

All I can say is thank goodness for those dodgy Aussie's and a certain dealer from across the 'ditch'....:salute::


I know, I have it really good when it comes to my locations and toy soldier venues, shows and shops alike. I did not plan it that way, I swear (especially if my wife is asking).

Good thing about the London show is Clive from Figarti and Tom from TG alway try and have something new to display at the show so it worth going and maybe that something that Kc should do for the London show or discount on the day on your first buy {eek3}:wink2:
Good thing about the London show is Clive from Figarti and Tom from TG alway try and have something new to display at the show so it worth going and maybe that something that Kc should do for the London show or discount on the day on your first buy {eek3}:wink2:

I guess you mean things like the new Napoleonic marines, Germans carrying apples and pig, Russian armoured car in German markings and LoJ boat and figures that were previewed in London and Italy in early December.

In all my years on this forum never been aware that you had been to the London show. You must have kept your visits quiet.

Brett I've been to two London show if you like to know but it no big deal to be fair and don't fill the need to shout about to be honest but next time I'm going are be sure to let you know ok :rolleyes2::salute::
i was trying to give a heads up from my own years experience with the shows i never want to put people out there on a personal level but i have been wronged in a big way and some who are reading this are aware of it.I am taking the high road because the forum is a nice place to share stories and make friends and i dont want to ruin this thread just calmly saying sometimes buyer beware also on people and deals you make and who you think your friends are. trust me i still feel strongly about the hobby and certain people in it and will continue to collect on.Its a great hobby to all enjoy.

Without knowing the particulars of what John is referring to, sometimes things can be a little competitive as you have several collectors going after a limited amount of rare pieces. Rumors fly as to who has this or that and people try to get to that dealer before anybody else does and snap up those pieces.

As as an aside, although John and his wife have come to the show for a number of years, I finally met his wife last year (I'm not the most outgoing person) and she couldn't have been nicer so I hope to see them this year.

I attended My first ever toy soldier show on Jan. 26, 2014 in Lake Worth, Florida. Let Me tell You what a great time My wife and I had at the show. Granted living in Florida were I do there are no hobby stores that carry any figures. All My buying is done by phone or on the internet. So it was just great going to the show. Found some good bargains and retired items. It was a small show, about 120 vendors but still alot of fun. Some day hope to make it to the Texas show. Good collecting to all. "Mr Colt 45"
I attended My first ever toy soldier show on Jan. 26, 2014 in Lake Worth, Florida. Let Me tell You what a great time My wife and I had at the show. Granted living in Florida were I do there are no hobby stores that carry any figures. All My buying is done by phone or on the internet. So it was just great going to the show. Found some good bargains and retired items. It was a small show, about 120 vendors but still alot of fun. Some day hope to make it to the Texas show. Good collecting to all. "Mr Colt 45"
Mr. Colt 45, Tim Tyler's 'Troops of Time' toy soldier store is located in Jacksonville, which might not be too far from you. -- Al
Without knowing the particulars of what John is referring to, sometimes things can be a little competitive as you have several collectors going after a limited amount of rare pieces. Rumors fly as to who has this or that and people try to get to that dealer before anybody else does and snap up those pieces.

As as an aside, although John and his wife have come to the show for a number of years, I finally met his wife last year (I'm not the most outgoing person) and she couldn't have been nicer so I hope to see them this year.


Nice post Brad.

If John should introduce himself in London he would be made very welcome indeed, would be nice to meet him. Almost every single American collector I know are friendly, genuine open minded people who it is a pleasure to know, so another is always welcome!:salute::


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