“Elementary my dear Watson!” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Here’s a little advance peek into our upcoming “On The Streets of Olde London” which will be an extension of our existing “World of Dickens” series.

This ‘extension’ covers the period from 1870 up until the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 and will include both actual and fictional characters from that era.

Our first release will be a very famous London address...”221b Baker Street”...and its two equally famous fictional occupants – Dr. John Watson and the consulting detective...Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Here they are outside their residence...

Release date is scheduled for January 2016.

Hope you like ‘em!



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Turned out beautifully, just awesome, thank you!!!!

They look brilliant,just what i need another line to collect ^&grin
What a great range this could turn out to be. Will it be venturing in to Whitechapel to seek a certain Jack?
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the kind and generous reception...
Now, as for a certain Mr. Jack T. Ripper... I think he's sure to put in an appearance on the mean streets of Whitechapel... if not alas "in the dock".
I also think a certain dog belonging to the Baskerville family might also show up in the fullness of time!!!
Have a great weekend guys.
The figures and building look superb. Not my own personal Cup O' Tea but, I can see the popularity on these as well ! :salute::

Always in favour of any civilian figures whatever period or era....:salute::(or novel)
Andy and team, knocking it out of the park again!
This is the most excited I've been for a new series in a long time
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the kind and generous reception...
Now, as for a certain Mr. Jack T. Ripper... I think he's sure to put in an appearance on the mean streets of Whitechapel... if not alas "in the dock".
I also think a certain dog belonging to the Baskerville family might also show up in the fullness of time!!!
Have a great weekend guys.

John Merrick, Stagecoaches, Penny Farthings, Bobbies on the beat, ladies of the night.... I best get saving!
This was great news...a must to the fans of Sherlock Holmes....
I hope the figure of James Moriarty, the criminal mastermind and faithful enemy of Sherlock Holmes is included in next dispatches..

Andy indicates that the figures and building won't be available until January so we're safe for now, although they would have made good holiday presents.
I am all in for these. My daughter and I are working on a travel/international-themed library. I plan to make part of the decor a miniature display of British literature. I am a big Sherlock Holmes and Dickens fan (the books). My daughter is a huge Doctor Who fan, who also likes Sherlock Holmes. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Tardis land on Baker Street.
This is beautiful !

Love the building also.

Can't wait...Mrs. Hudson would be a nice addition.
Very exciting. I am already making space. My one wish however is a horse drawn cab with driver.
Walt Damon
Very exciting. I am already making space. My one wish however is a horse drawn cab with driver.
Walt Damon

Yep, have done the scene already, just have to drop in the two characters and the backdrop.^&grin, Robin.
Very exciting. I am already making space. My one wish however is a horse drawn cab with driver.
Walt Damon

Trophy did such a horse drawn wagon. Perhaps in the future we will see that.

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