“Enemy Coast Ahead!” (2 Viewers)

My perception here is that the $2,000 planes are probably worth it. If you can afford them, and have the space. But it is clearly a higher income market, and nothing wrong with that.

The high costs are reflective of research, and small production set up, distribution etc.

For lower income folk there are plenty of excellent 1/32 diecast, and smaller.
They look very nice and that aircraft is a fine addition to any series. Whether it is a good price is less interesting that whether it is a good value. If you like that level of detail and scale, want or need a ready built aircraft and cannot find a as good as example at a lower price than it is a good value. If you prefer a higher level of detail and are flexible on the scale and//or can build it for yourself, it may not be. So they may or may not be a right choice for anyone, regardless of income. As anything, our taste dictates our wants and our income and competing needs and wants determine which ones we satisfy.
Hi Guys,

“Harper” makes some excellent points in his very sensible post. When K&C produce these special aircraft we already know that they will not suite everyone’s tastes or indeed budget.

God forbid if we all liked the same thing!!! That’s one of the joys and delights of this hobby — seeing what others enjoy and collect even when it is different from what we ourselves collect.

What’s sad is when the relatively few disparage or indeed despise what many others so obviously enjoy…For the life of me I cannot understand the pleasure those few individuals get from putting down and or insulting what others may prefer.

Thanks again “Harper” for putting your points across…in a friendly and reasonable manner.

Best wishes and happy collecting.

Andy C.​
I haven't read any insults in this thread just peoples different point of view ^&confuse^&confuse .
I haven't read any insults in this thread just peoples different point of view ^&confuse^&confuse .

Mate, if you read the post from Mitch before it was deleted, then you would have seen the subtle insults aimed at Andy. There is nothing wrong with having a different point of view but when it becomes the usual niggling and subtle insults, then it ruins the enjoyment for others.


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