“Germany At War” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Later this evening I’ll be heading off to Chep Lap Kok (Hong Kong’s International Airport) and flying on to Europe for my annual “K&C Euro Trip” to visit dealers and collectors in Italy, Germany and the U.K. (the London Show).

But before I do I thought I’d let you know about our latest “Collection” brochure… “GERMANY AT WAR”

This full-colour, 32-page brochure shows all of King & Country’s many different WWII German ranges that are currently available from our authorised dealers around the world as well as from K&C ourselves here in Hong Kong.

Wehrmacht… Waffen SS… Luftwaffe and even the odd Kriegsmarine vehicle are on display. Plus you can also see some great K&C Workshop dioramas with them.

For details on how you can pick up your copy simply contact your favourite K&C dealer… or check the brochure out on our K&C website at… www.kingandcountry.com/brochure

Best wishes and… happy collecting!
Andy C.

P.S. Here’s some pix showing a few of the layouts…

I bet Wayne can't wait to get his hands onto this brochure.....

:) :)

Wayne will be sure to download it too, so he can view it on his phone as well :)

As Andy made mention of this line in his thread that is all the hook I needed... lol Is the kreigsmarine series now an officially closed product line? ie no future releases are expected. Just curious if any collectors or Andy had any thoughts/insight on further expansion in this line... I just started collecting it and I think it is one of K&C more under-rated product lines... maybe seaplanes to divers..

As Andy made mention of this line in his thread that is all the hook I needed... lol Is the kreigsmarine series now an officially closed product line? ie no future releases are expected. Just curious if any collectors or Andy had any thoughts/insight on further expansion in this line... I just started collecting it and I think it is one of K&C more under-rated product lines... maybe seaplanes to divers..


Im with you Jay the KM figures are brilliant ive always hoped for 1 of these.

The Arado Ar 196 was a shipboard reconnaissance low-wing monoplane aircraft built by the German firm of Arado starting in 1936. The next year it was selected as the winner of a design contest and became the standard aircraft of the Kriegsmarine (German navy) throughout World War II.

In 1933, the Kriegsmarine looked for a standardized shipboard reconnaissance aircraft. After a brief selection period, the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (German Air Ministry, RLM) decided on the Heinkel He 60 biplane. This was one of a line of developments of a basic biplane airframe that appeared as a number of floatplanes, trainers, and fighters. Deliveries started in a matter of months.

By 1935, it was found that the He 60's performance was lacking and the RLM asked Heinkel to design its replacement. The result was the He 114. The first prototype was powered by the Daimler-Benz DB 600 inline engine, but it was clear that supplies of this engine would be limited and the production versions turned to the BMW 132 radial engine instead.

The plane proved to have only slightly better performance than the He 60, and its sea-handling was poor. Rushed modifications resulted in a series of nine prototypes in an attempt to solve some of the problems, but they didn't help much. The Navy gave up, and the planes were eventually sold off to Romania, Spain and Sweden.

In October 1936, the RLM asked for a He 114 replacement. The only stipulations were that it would use the BMW 132, and they wanted prototypes in both twin-float and single-float configurations. Designs were received from Dornier, Gotha, Arado and Focke-Wulf. Heinkel declined to tender, contending that the He 114 could still be made to work.

With the exception of the Arado low-wing monoplane design, all were conventional biplanes. That gave the Arado better performance than any of the others and the RLM ordered four prototypes. The RLM was also rather conservative by nature, so they also ordered two of the Focke-Wulf Fw 62 design as a backup. It quickly became clear that the Arado would work effectively, and only four prototypes of the Fw 62 were built.

The Ar 196 prototypes were all delivered in summer 1937, V1 (which flew in May) and V2 with twin floats as A models, and V3 and V4 on a single float as B models. Both versions demonstrated excellent water handling and there seemed to be little to decide one over the other. Since there was a possibility of the smaller outrigger floats on the B models "digging in", the twin-float A model was ordered into production. A single additional prototype, V5, was produced in November 1938 to test final changes.

10 A-0s were delivered in November and December 1938, with a single 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 15 machine gun in the rear seat for defense. Five similarly equipped B-0s were also delivered to land-based squadrons. This was followed by 20 A-1 production models starting in June 1939, enough to equip the surface fleet.

Starting in November, production switched to the heavier land-based A-2 model. It added shackles for two 50 kg (110 lb) bombs, two 20 mm MG FF cannons in the wings, and a 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine gun in the cowling. The A-4 replaced it in December 1940, strengthening the airframe, adding another radio, and switching props to a VDM model. The apparently mis-numbered A-3, which had additional strengthening of the airframe, replaced the A-4. The final production version was the A-5 from 1943, which changed radios and cockpit instruments, and switched the rear gun to the much-improved MG 81Z. Overall, 541 Ar 196s (15 prototypes and 526 production models) were built before production ended in August 1944, about 100 of these from SNCA and Fokker plants.

The Ar 196C was a proposed aerodynamically-refined version. The Ar 196C project was cancelled in 1941.

The plane was loved by its pilots, who found it handled well both in the air and on the water. With the loss of the German surface fleet, the A-1s were added to coastal squadrons and continued to fly reconnaissance missions and submarine hunts into late 1944. Two notable operations were the capture of HMS Seal, and the repeated interception of RAF Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley bombers. Although it was no match for a fighter, it was considerably better than its Allied counterparts, and generally considered the best of its class. Owing to its good handling on water, the Finnish Air Force utilized Ar 196s just for transporting and supplying special forces patrols behind enemy lines, landing on small lakes in remote areas. Several fully equipped soldiers were carried in the fuselage.

The first Arado Ar 196 to fall into allied hands was an example belonging to the German cruiser Admiral Hipper, which was captured in Lyngstad, Eide, by a Norwegian Marinens Flyvebaatfabrikk M.F.11 seaplane of the Trøndelag naval district on 8 April 1940, at the dawn of the Norwegian Campaign. After being towed to Kristiansund by the torpedo boat HNoMS Sild, it was used against its former owners, flying with Norwegian markings.[1] At 03:30 on 18 April, the Arado was evacuated to the UK by a Royal Norwegian Navy Air Service pilot. The plane was shortly thereafter crashed by a British pilot while on transit to the Helensburgh naval air base for testing.[2] At the end of the war, at least one Arado Ar 196 was left at a Norwegian airfield and kept in use as a liaison aircraft by the Royal Norwegian Air Force for a year on the West coast.

(From Wikipedia)
Good Morning all,

Going to King's X today! I will see if the brochures are out and if so, I'll pick a couple up and send to you guys. I don't collect this particular line, but will reach to my brothers in need of a brochure fix.

Safe trip to Europe Andy...man you got the life!

John from Texas
Good Morning y'all,

Visited the gang at Kings X and they are just the best! But no brochure until about the 10th of December. They have moved some of the dioramas around and man are they are looking sharp! The "Custers Last Stand" diorama is absolutely amazing and so is the new Ancient Egypt facades!

Happy Saturday!

John from Texas
Im with you Jay the KM figures are brilliant ive always hoped for 1 of these.

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The Arado Ar 196 was a shipboard reconnaissance low-wing monoplane aircraft built by the German firm of Arado starting in 1936. The next year it was selected as the winner of a design contest and became the standard aircraft of the Kriegsmarine (German navy) throughout World War II.

(From Wikipedia)

It looks like they have done at least one of these seaplanes before.... just not sure I want to pay 2000 for one.... tempting as it is...


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The Arado is an excellent model and one of my favourite sea planes ( along with the HE115). I saw it in the K and C shop in Pacific Place and its excellent but as you say its the pricing point that a killer...I presume this is all due to production runs, so with the new zero they have a limited run which reduces costs as opposed to the individual requests. A pity as lots of us would buy more planes if the price was slightly lower

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