King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Many thanks to the eagle-eyed among our number…especially “Poppo”, “DeBrito” and not forgetting good old “Gebs” for reminding me that “VETEMENTS” should, of course, have an “accent circonflexe” above the first “E” in the word. Following your advice the relevant sign on the side of the building has been suitably amended…

Merci beaucoup!

André C.​
This is open for debat.

In upper case it was not required to have the ^
the picture without the "accent circonflex" is correct . When you use capital letters in French you do not put accents on them
Hi Guys,

Many thanks to the eagle-eyed among our number…especially “Poppo”, “DeBrito” and not forgetting good old “Gebs” for reminding me that “VETEMENTS” should, of course, have an “accent circonflexe” above the first “E” in the word. Following your advice the relevant sign on the side of the building has been suitably amended…

Merci beaucoup!
André C.​

Poor Andy. He doesn't know which way to flex. To accent or not to accent. With conflicting opinions from France, Quebec, Belgium and even Gebhard, what is a toy soldier maker to do.{sm2} Ask the Suisse?? ^&grin Just shows, the French speakers can't agree on anything. ^&grin

My old French teacher, Mme. D'Cirie with the hair in a bun and the pointer to rap your knuckles and the sharp finger nails to tug your ear frequently pointed out that Paris was the only place where French was spoken properly. {eek3}

In the matter of accents on capital letters, the French language police in Paris say it is up to the individual to decide to accent or not, but accenting capitals is preferred for the civilized and absolutely necessary where the accent changes the meaning of the word. SALÉS means SALTED but SALES means DIRTY. In 1940's France, the language was more formal than it is today and the word probably would have the accent, but for VETEMENTS either is correct.


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If that building was mine i wouldn't care i would be just wrapped i had it.
If that building was mine i wouldn't care i would be just wrapped i had it.

I'm with you Wayne, a bit of a storm in a tea-cup really and a minor hiccup easily fixed.

As for that group of non K&C collectors who seem to amuse themselves over such anomalies, they're a sad wee group who would be lost without K&C to moan about.......poor chaps^&grin
Me too, I would leave it as is.

All marketing boys and girls make typos (or not :) )

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