“What’s this?” (2 Viewers)

Ok, I need help or an interpreter. What are frosties? What is Tesco? And what is a Mossie (in the states a Mossie is sometimes short for a Mossberg shotgun?).
Ok, I need help or an interpreter. What are frosties? What is Tesco? And what is a Mossie (in the states a Mossie is sometimes short for a Mossberg shotgun?).

Here you go Jason, the first pic is what we call the blood sucking buggers here in Oz and the second is self explanatory! Someone else can help you with the frostie and Tesco!



  • Mossie.png
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  • Mosquito.jpg
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Here you go Jason, the first pic is what we call the blood sucking buggers here in Oz and the second is self explanatory! Someone else can help you with the frostie and Tesco!


Frostie is, I think, a generic term for breakfast cereal and Tesco is a supermarket chain which has some remarkable two for one deals that an Australian tourist can avail themselves of when visiting the Mother Country.

Thank God Australians still speak the Queen's English or where would the world be?
Ok, I need help or an interpreter. What are frosties? What is Tesco? And what is a Mossie (in the states a Mossie is sometimes short for a Mossberg shotgun?).

Frostie - in Oz it's a cold beer. In England it's frosted flakes cereal. And to a Geordie it's frosted corn flakes and beer for breakfast. I hope I haven't missed insulting anyone :)

But my question is Will the slogan on the armoured car get fixed so I can buy one :rolleyes2:

Frostie - in Oz it's a cold beer. In England it's frosted flakes cereal. And to a Geordie it's frosted corn flakes and beer for breakfast. I hope I haven't missed insulting anyone :)

But my question is Will the slogan on the armoured car get fixed so I can buy one :rolleyes2:


Never heard of a "frostie" being referred to as a beer in Oz but I have heard of the name "frothy" being referred to one!

The only frostie i know is when its really cold,and.......................^&grin

Hi Guys,

Many thanks to all those who spotted the “mystery vehicle” in the photo.

As we all could have guessed it was the “eagle-eyed Mitch” who got the correct answer…It is indeed the “Valentine Dingo Humber Mark II”. Congratulations Mitch…what a card you are! Always ready with a merry little quip and a friendly pat-on-the-back…Well done Mitch!

Best wishes and happy collecting.

Andy C.

P.S. Here’s a pic of the vehicle…
Ferret.jpgReference my earlier question....this is the scout I was referring too.......is the Dingo and the Ferret two look alike Scouts ?......just curious as I am confused about the Dingo title....maybe the Aust christened it a Dingo......maybe they are two different vehicle's ? ....appreciate any help you can offer....regards TomB

In all of this I missed this point is the Russian on the armoured car wrong? That is twice in this batch of Russians its happened!!! I thought it actually said ''I am a valentine''

Sorry Andy... I am a card aren't I??

PS... Frosties are a cereal the joke is better understood if one knows about the VIZ comic and a character called Biffa Bacon and his violent outbursts
.......Mossie is a brit term of endearment for that rather famous war winning twin engine fighter/bomber that the jerries' hated

Frostie - in Oz it's a cold beer. In England it's frosted flakes cereal. And to a Geordie it's frosted corn flakes and beer for breakfast. I hope I haven't missed insulting anyone :)

But my question is Will the slogan on the armoured car get fixed so I can buy one :rolleyes2:

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Frostie - in Oz it's a cold beer. In England it's frosted flakes cereal. And to a Geordie it's frosted corn flakes and beer for breakfast. I hope I haven't missed insulting anyone :)

But my question is Will the slogan on the armoured car get fixed so I can buy one :rolleyes2:


Terry think you mean Foster lager mate :wink2:^&grin
(In BBC announcer type voice)

Earlier today this corporation may have inadvertently insulted Mitch when it suggested he was partial to chocolate based breakfast cereal , following Mitch's statement and hearing from the understandably angry makers of Sugar Puffs we withdraw the statement totally.:wink2: No further comments will be made re Chocolate cereals as here at the BBC we believe what goes on between a man and his breakfast is his own business.

As for Tesco's home delivery, I should coco ..............dagnabit I said it again!^&grin:wink2:

What is special about the Russian armoured car is it's uniqueness to Russia. Russia produced several tanks in large numbers and the related tank destroyers and SPGs based on those same few tank chassis, but not much else. There was no large production of half-tracks, APCs, or armoured cars other then the BA-64. Even much of their truck fleet was US lend lease.

Hopefully when this armoured car is released it will be accompanied by some more Soviet figures.
A few more views of the coming BA-64.


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