1/72 2nd Manassas (a work in progress) (1 Viewer)


Feb 22, 2008
I started this a few months back when I had no figures painted. I have since decided to add some terrain features and such as my hobby knowledge and skills have improved. This is how it is coming along;

Very nice Captain. What size is this diorama ?

I applaud your skill at painting such tiny figures. I have painted railway firgures (HO scale) and can appreciate the fiddly-ness :) thats goes along with painting these. I generally stick to 1/32 now (easier on the eyes :D )

Thanks for posting some pics of your display.
Thank you Brit. It's roughly 3ft X 4ft. I have learned the hard way that i'm only good for about two hrs. of painting the wee ones. Then I switch to 1/32 or terrain etc. I just noticed in the 1st picture I posted that there is a pc. of concrete against the unfinished railroad embankment. I shall have to deal with that straight away. Funny what the camera finds that the naked eye does not...and visa versa at other times for that matter.
These remind me of the Airfix ACW figures when I started wargaming many years ago, what make of figures are these?
This has the makings of a very large display, how many figures do you hope to have eventually?

Nice to see the little fella’s getting some action and good luck on the next phase.


Let's see, there is Imex, Accurate, Italeri and, A Call to Arms pictured. I have approximately 1000 ACW figs. Probably 200 are the Airfix which you mentioned. I just dont have any of those painted yet. I hope to have about 400 or so on the field when finished. There is less than 100 now.
Nice job Captain!
Lots of 1/72 troops for all eras avaiable these days and more introduced all the time.
Keep on painting!
Thank you for the kind remarks Gentlemen. On a large project, one can never get enough encouragement.
Thought I'ld post couple more pics of this. I'm up to 181 figures painted on this now.

Very nicely done. 2nd Bull Run was always one of my favorite battles of the ACW.

I salute you for your hard work and especially for being able to see 1/72 in order to paint them. I can't. On the subject of civilians watching, was that not First Manassas? -- lancer
Nice job Captain, very impressive. As George (Warrior) has shown, you can do a lot with 1/72nd scale.
Very nicely done. 2nd Bull Run was always one of my favorite battles of the ACW.

Thanks Mike. Its one of my favorites as well. Col. Hessler; I'm sure you are thinking of the first battle of Manassas. Lancer, it can be pretty tough to see these little fellows at times. Thanks for the kind words y'all.

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