"Khartoum" is one of my favourites :wink2:
"Master & Commander" in book the enemy ship was American NOT French but we couldn't have the Yanks as the bad guys in Hollywood now could we?LOL.http://www.answers.com/article/1191327/10-historical-films-true-to-history?param4=ob-us-de-enter¶m1=58747#slide=23
12 Years a Slave
Master and Commander: Far Side of The World
Saving Private Ryan
Das Boot
Band of Brothers
A Night To Remember
The Lion in Winter
Interesting. There was a huge error in Episode 6 as the commando team on the Ewok planet were wearing totally incorrect camouflage from the Clone Wars. Lucas research was a bit off. :wink2: -- AlStar Wars
But if I remind correctly ( I was on Tatoine at that time ), the Death Star was more oval shaped than in the movie :smile2:
"Master & Commander" in book the enemy ship was American NOT French but we couldn't have the Yanks as the bad guys in Hollywood now could we?LOL.
"Master & Commander" in book the enemy ship was American NOT French but we couldn't have the Yanks as the bad guys in Hollywood now could we?LOL
Please clarify what you mean. The ship was a French ship, commissioned in the French Navy, but she was built in Boston, if that's what you mean. And at the time of the story, we weren't at war with Britain.
If I recall, the model Bonden (Billy Boyd) shows tCaptain Aubrey exhibits the design of our frigate, USS Constitution. I never read the novel, so I don't know if Peter Weir changed that detail. I don't know if the French ordered any ships built in the US, so it might lose points on the accuracy scale. I don't think there were any American ships fighting for the French, with French letters of marque, either. But it is a plausible plot element.
I did read the books... 10 or 12 years ago, but I still think the movie got it right. American built, but French flagged, named and crewed.
I just read an article about the historical basis for 'You don't mess with the Zohan' - no joke, I actually did! Sandler even spent two weeks working with the ex Israeli soldier who became a hairdresser in the US!
I dont know, what about The Patriot with Mel Gibson ? Anybody who melts his boys toy soldiers to make bullets to shoot British soldiers surely cant be the good guy {sm2}LOL
Hi,Waterloo does it for me.
Black Hawk Down.
I dont know, what about The Patriot with Mel Gibson ? Anybody who melts his boys toy soldiers to make bullets to shoot British soldiers surely cant be the good guy {sm2}LOL
Because of the toy soldiers or the Brits?