Glad Stephen King the horror writer agrees with the BS Oswald narrative, boy that is authoritative. Horror FICTION writer, yeah....................
Anyhow, you keep believing the government bullshit that Oswald was a lone gunman and acted on his own yada yada yada. He may have pulled the trigger, but there is much more to the Kennedy's than that. It may not be as deep as Oliver Stone And Garrison, but the Kennedy family was Mob Born, Mob Bred and thus MOB DEAD. Joe Kennedy was as much a gangster as Frank Costello, Gianacana, etc etc etc. They doublecrossed and then got crossed. I don't care what the Warren Commission says.................opps, those files were mysteriously lost, burned, obliterated....................yeah Oswald was the lone Gunman.
The "Camelot Era" was all smokescreen and bullshort. People have a funny sense of nostalgia about that that is plain bogus.