1916 (1 Viewer)

I would like to try a new way to add..it is just a test.

<iframe scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" style="width:240px;height:66px;margin:3px;padding:0;border:1px solid #dde5e9;background-color:#ffffff;" src="http://cid-fac5d5425832813e.skydrive.live.com/embedrowdetail.aspx/HandmadeHistory.com/IMG%7C_6680.jpg"></iframe>
Try again...:mad:
Just for the record...

Les tranchées de la région de la Somme 1916...



Rod your dio's are simply amazing and each one that you posts just gets better. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Another great Diorama and group of photos Rod and again a pleasure to see......The Lt.
Amazing, simply amazing. Interestingly I am just reading about WWI and in would seem that there were few worse places to spend time than in the trenches in that period. Are you going to add some body parts, rats and deep slimy mud?:eek:;)
Thanks guys

Tim, I spent 3 weeks to finish, one or two hours a day

Spitfrnd, yes I will add some realistic thins like dead animals etc.. this is just a beginning of my trench warfare, while I waiting for K&C WWI releases. Andy mentionned there will be wwi releases from both sides in 2009.

Thanks again guys.




Amazing, great work, it is always a pleasure to see your work.
wow, very nice, shows the dull life in the trenches, and how military leaders had no idea on how to fight trench warefare.

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