1st Airborne Additions! (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
It's been a while since I put forward some ideas, so here we go:

My suggestions are based on units and individuals who are significantly important to the battle if Arnhem/Oosterbeek.

The 2nd Airlanding Anti-Tank Battery RA with a 17 Pounder and crew and a modified Airborne tractor to pull it into position. - The Germans were totally taken by surprise by these magnificent AT beasts because up until then the 17 Pounder had never been flown in by gliders in an operation.

A spare Airborne trailer with top cover - there were almost as many trailers sent into the battle as there were jeeps. Some jeeps were even driven around with two trailers connected behind them in column.

Fresh Recce Jeep in action - single mounted vickers being fired by passenger. Riders for back of Jeep. - A common mistake people make is thinking that the Recce Squadron were wiped out on the Sunday. They were actually still dancing around by the Tuesday and even Wednesday before they took up defensive positions in a sector of the Oosterbeek Perimeter.

Polsen 20mm gun being fired at lowest trajectory towards German armoured cars while being pulled around Arnhem by Jeep! - There wwas only one of these flown in and many Paras credit the Gunner with providing much needed cover and suppressive fire.

The 1st Parachute Brigade are awaiting the Second lift with reinforcements from the 4th Para Brigade with:

Brigadier Hackett (4th Para Brigade Commanding Officer) - His Brigade was absolutely decimated, many without even seeing a mile marker for Arnhem. He also had one third of his offensive force provisionally taken from him before he had even left his plane.

Both the 10th, 11th and 156th Parachute Battalions need representation as do the 1st Parachute Battalion. 2 Para have been represented with Frost and several other personalities. 3rd Para Battalion by Lt Cleminson and their action at the 'Kussin Junction'. The Recce Squadron have had one jeep and their Commanding Officer.

133rd Parachute Field Ambulance (PFA) - this Unit was responsible for the care of the many wounded lying about the 4th Parachute Brigade's Drop Zone/Landing Zone which was under intense fire in many sectors on the Monday. The following ideas would also work for 181st (Airlanding) Field Ambulance or 16th PFA.

- Stretcher Team
- Surgeon team in action
- British Medic tending to wounded German
- Orderlies in battledress and shirts going about their duties.
- British Airborne Medical Jeep

Paras still fighting with bloody bandages and torn clothes - without a doubt, Arnhem was one of the most bloody and closely fought battles. Reports of hand to hand fighting are brutally described.

Airborne men without jump wings who can represent the 1st Airlanding Brigade. The battle of Arnhem often overshadows the battle of Oosterbeek despite the fact that the Battle another Bridge and in the town was over on the Tuesday, whereas the battle of Oosterbeek was just beginning then. The various Airlanding units - South Staffordshire, 1st Border and 7th King's Own Scottish Borderers, deserve representation. The South Staffordshires have been represented through Major Cain and Lance Sergeant Baskeyfield with his 6 Pounder.

Brigaider Lathbury - 1st Parachute Brigade's Commanding Officer
Brigadier Hicks - Commander of the 1st Airlanding Brigade
Kate Ter Horst - The Angel of Arnhem whose house positioned near the Old Church where the 75mm Guns of the 1st Airlanding Light Regiment RA was.

Fame thrower team - To represent the team who manages to take out the pillbox on the bridge.

Paras having just landed who are removing their Chutes - an arduous task if the wind caught.

Paras pre jump - at an airfield back in Blighty.

Andy, don't forget we need more Shirtless Aussies and some Italian soldiers :wink2: ^&grin

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