2008 favorite releases and biggest disappointments (1 Viewer)


Jun 30, 2006
For me... :D

Russian Napoleonics
The Hessians
King Tiger & Leichter Schutzenpanzerwagen
The Chaffee Tanks

and disappointments... :(

no Africa Korp 88.
Union releases
American Bulge releases
my prayer for a Pershing Tank unanswered
Love that King Tiger and the classic Sherman. D'ont have any real disappointments. -- lancer
Very pleased with just about everything produced this year by K&C, Honour Bound and Figarti . . . disappointed that, with the economy, I just couldn't afford to get everything I wanted. Also disappointed that Honour Bound stopped making vehicles.
Napoleon's tent

Disappointments: there was so much new stuff for me to collect, so no disappointments

king tiger and the sdkf
8th army stuff and afrika korps
arnhem !!

pak 40 .


Chaffee Tanks
Crimean strictly limited
Big Red 1 figs


Honour Bound no longer making affordable Tanks
Not being able to afford all retirements.
Eva Longoria not taking my calls;)

Best for me were Flak 18 but the King Tiger was a big disappointment for the money :(
The Flak 88 was very well done with cool figures and a few nice grey painted K&C vehicles were released as well as the CS grey horch. New german causalty figure from K&C (and medic set from HB) and a K&C flamethrower:cool: were among my favourite figures. V1/V2 series was also a winner
The multitude of WWII releases earlier in the year from K&C, Figarti, CS and HB had my head spinning but was enjoyable for the variety being offered:cool::cool::cool:


End of the Fall of Berlin and Pacific lines:(:(

Rise of the US dollar by up to 50% last year putting a dampner on buying anything (and still waiting for it to fall:eek:)
Loved the new WWII d-day and winter releases in 08, I think I picked up most of the d-day stuff already, the konigstiger I will have to wait on for a little bit but do plan on getting it by the spring, no disappointments here only looking forward to 09 and hoping there will be some artillery Andy talked about in Chicago,( think it was chicago) anyway just glad to be collecting these days!!!!!!!!..Sammy
This is a bit redundant but best for me was the First Legion French and Conte Spartans.

Disappointments are all production schedule related: delay of First Legion cavalry, Rifles and Guard; delay of Conte plastic Persians, additional metal Persians and Spartans and ZW figures; delay of East of India Barbarians and retirement of K&C Romans.
My favorite 2008 releases were MK054 Sir Walter de la MAr, MK055 Robert of Abbotsinch, MK059 Mounted Saracen Archer, MK060 Kneeling Saracen Archer, and MK061 Standing Saracen Archer. I had no real disappointments, although I am not to keen on the pose of MK057 Sir Roger Tolkinghorn or MK056 Duke Boris of Saxony.

My favorite 2008 releases were: WS121
Sd.kfz.250/1 Leichter Schutzenpanzer wagen,
Schwimmwagen (Summer/Winter),
King Tiger,Blitzkrieg Panzer IV,MG Polish Para's, AK 46(sl) Rommel's Desert Horch, and the now Fallschirmjager.

No Fallschirmjagers With A PAK 40
No M3 A1 half-track
And the fob 43 Polizie ADGZ Armoured car.



New Old Guard Figures :cool:

New Red Lancers (although they wont be released until this year ;) )



Disappointment (big hopes for 2009)

Mine was the Arnhem figs:(I like the Polishfigures but I was expecting some more British figures maybe in wounded poses, or medics, and with the diorama I've made I cannot put the Poles in it because they din't make it to the bridge:eek:Trying to be historically accurate here:DThen again the carboard bridge dosn't really help the Historically Accurate area much does it:rolleyes::D:eek::D:cool:

Loved the Battle Of The Bulge American figures and German Medic Set:DThay made my year:D
For me... :D

Russian Napoleonics
The Hessians
King Tiger & Leichter Schutzenpanzerwagen
The Chaffee Tanks

and disappointments... :(

no Africa Korp 88.
Union releases
American Bulge releases
my prayer for a Pershing Tank unanswered

Just a question for everybody really - CS do an 88mm in DAK scheme and they still have it for retail. I have not bought it either and not sure I'd even buy it OR even if K&C bought one out buy that either as I don't do desert but if people want an 88mm WHY don't they just buy the one from CS?
My favorites are WS110-WS115 I love the paint wotk on these early WWII Germans.

Biggest Disp. No winter FJs or Normandy FJs.
My favorite is the Christmas Special.
Disapointment? Not having enough money or space for all the goodies!
I marvelled at most of the K&C releases during 08 however if forced to chose one favourite I would say the Sd.kfz.250/1 Leichter Schutzenpanzer wagen was superb.

My greatest disappointment in 08 was the complete lack of WW II Canadians.;)
My greatest disappointment in 08 was the complete lack of WW II Canadians.;)

No new Canadians :)mad:), but I assume you have the Staghound? It is, as far as I am aware, the only Canadian piece K&C has done so far.

Our hosts do not list it, but it is available via a certain shop closer to home for you and I. If you do not know to whom I am referring send me a PM and I will fill you in.)

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